Friday, March 12, 2010

How do you feel about women having profile pictures in which they are dressed in pants?

I find it disgusting when I click on a woman's yahoo 360 profile and find a picture of her dressed in pants and hiking boots. That is really nasty....if women are going to get their pictures taken, they need to be in feminine clothes befitting a lady such as a dress or a skirt. Women use every excuse in the book these days to wear pants. I heard a woman the other day say that it was impractical to ride a horse in a skirt. Bad excuse- I told her that is why she should ride side saddle like a woman should. What are your thoughts on this?

How do you feel about women having profile pictures in which they are dressed in pants?
YOU must be from one of dem mid eastern countries that treat goats better than women..
Reply:What difference does it make. Everyone likes to express who they are, and clothing is one way.
Reply:I think some of what you say is true. Women do need to dress more like women. Of course, people criticize us as being "old fashioned".

However, I believe it is better to see a woman in pants and hiking boots than to see a woman in a g-string with body parts hanging out.
Reply:OMG! Where in the HECK do you come up with your crazy rants? LMAO! You are too friggen much....
Reply:I think you should realize that women can do whatever they want and you have no say as to how they do anything. I truly hope that no women ever gives you the time of day because you obviously don't deserve to even be with a woman. Women can do as they please, And we don't appreciate being told what to do. just because your a Jack A$$ doesn't mean that women should listen to you. I hope you never come to America because you will be slapped by many many women.
Reply:Seriously, where do you come up with these questions? Women can wear what they want as long as they are comfortable with it. Not wearing a skirt doesn't make you any less of a lady. It is called being original and unique with style.
Reply:I Saw another picture the lady had no clothes on. SO pants r better then nothing --- skirts r even better.
Reply:My thoughts? Just wondering if you have been kicked in the crotch a lot in your lifetime. I bet you have. J/K

we women need put in our place.
Reply:I try to think you're normal, but you make it really hard!
Reply:Yes Master I agree Master hahahahahaha
Reply:No excuses here... When I want to wear a skirt I do, When I want to wear pants I do... I wear them for me and noone else because I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:ur right we shud all be naked, woohoo~ ♥
Reply:Maybe you should try riding a horse side-saddle? it's not very comfortable, plus you can't go into a good gallop either. If I ride a horse, I want to have fun doing so ... not trotting along at 0.5 mph.

Pants shmants ... a woman can wear AND look attractive in, whatever she feels is comfortable.
Reply:Scotty...! Beam this guy....away ~~~~
Reply:I work in a shipping and receiving warehouse with two other women and about fifty men. We do what is considered a man's job. I spend my night up to fifty feet off the floor. Do you really think this is a place to be feminine? It's no longer the 1950's. Women are able to wear what they want when they want. Any other thoughts I have on this I wouldn't dare put here so I'll leave you to guess what they would be.
Reply:I know, it is so offensive!

Girls need to be dressing more feminine, not like guys!

Women need to be brought up more ladylike.

Reply:its the way they were raised you cant blame them.... i prefer to wear skirts and dresses and i havent worn pants at all in the past 2 weeks
Reply:You're trying again. I see the last one you picked just basically answered, "Nah". You are one simple person, aren't you?
Reply:I think you need to get back in your time machine, leave the 1800's and come back to the present.

Are you serious?
Reply:they can wear whatever they want like its any of your business
Reply:if skirt is comfortable for you when hiking and riding a horse,not for us.
Reply:wow, I think this is going to be the first time I have told you this but here goes.

DRESSES AND SKIRTS SUCK. They are drafty and uncomfortable, I only wear pants or shorts.
Reply:I think it is good for women to wear pants
Reply:I take it you're pulling an April Fools Joke on people, because you can't be serious about this!!!
Reply:i dont pay attention to it,and by the way wats wrong in a woman wearing pants,many woman wear them
Reply:who are you to say what ANY woman wears. Maybe they weren't planning on having their picture taken that day. Women are allowed outdoors you know. I hope your mom grounds you and sits on you for saying that in public.
Reply:You looking for a horse whipping' cause I don't mind giving you one !!!
Reply:I Disagree and i will always disagree with you sandstorm. Why can't you evert say nice things instead of rude things?
Reply:I agree
Reply:Amen dude, and welcome back.

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