Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What is THE WARMEST clothing for the EXTREM cold?

What is THE WARMEST clothing for EXTREMELY

cold and windy weather?

Fur (what sort)? Leather? Synthetics (what sort)?


I ride a motorcycle

even when it's well under 30°C.

At 60 mhp the wind chill can make it as if it were

as low as -10°C with the wind cutting you to the core.

And when your just siting on the bike you don't generate

much body heat (little movement).

I think I may need

mittens (made of ?), boots (made of ?),

underwear/base layer (made of ?), insulating layer/s

(made of ?), and a outer or shell layer/coat (made of ?)

made for a place like ANTARCTICA in bad weather

(-89.4°C/-129°F with hi winds).

I nearly don't care what it looks like.

I just don't want to be cold.

What is THE WARMEST clothing for the EXTREM cold?
Go to a store like Mountain Equipment Co-op or a similar camping outfitters store and see what they can tell you. Since they outfit people who go camping in the Arctic (crazy people!) I'm sure they can tell you how to keep warm while being active.
Reply:-Mittens: Rabbit fur. (Or perhaps fake. It won't help as much.)

-Boots: Rabbit fur and/or leather. If with leather, make sure there's cotton inside.

-Base layer: Cotton. Perhaps wear two layers of underwear.

-Insulating layer(s): Cotton.

Coat: Rabbit fur.

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