Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Can a baby ride a dog on walks?

If say you had to take the baby out in a stroller and walk the dog, would this be killing two birds with one stone? I don't own a baby of any sort but it came to me earlier that it might not be a bad idea. I don't think anyone could look at me with a straight face and say they wouldn't find the sight of a baby in cowboy boots and hat strapped to the back of a large dog awesome. Other babies would be jealous.

Can a baby ride a dog on walks?
A dog is an animal. While they are smart, and loyal, they should always be seen as being unpredictable. If you put a baby on the back of one, and make the baby secure, what if your dog decides to scratch it's back on the pavement all of a sudden. The dog will not have any intentions of hurting the child, I am sure of this, however, A dog never means to hurt you when they jump up to greet you but knock you down either.

Due to un expected behavior of the animal, don't ever try this idea. In a controlled enviorment, however, I have seen large breed dogs let children use them as tools to learn how to walk. Now that is friggin' adoreable!
Reply:Dogs backs arent designed to take the stress of carrying a load across it, you will do some damage. However, i do have a 2 wheeled cart i made up, with 2 seats on it, straps for the kids, and 1 pole that has a chain on it to the middle of the harness so the pole doesnt actually touch him, and a strap on either side of him attached to the side of the harness, its just a regular chest harness. Its enough to let my dog move from side to side in the harness and almost turn sideways but the cart itself doesnt turn sharply so no chance of tipping. I wont carry more than 2 kids and combined weight cant be more than 100lbs, even tho the dog itself is 213lbs, just so as not to put too much stress on him. He loves it, the kids love it, strangers walking by love it and i have hands free. BTW he is extremely well trained but i still have a halter on him that with one sharp pull, brings his nose to his chest, forcing him to sit, and spring releases for the straps to get him out of the harness.
Reply:I really hope your joking.
Reply:good joke...
Reply:WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Oh good idea....just embarass the poor dog in front of his doggie friends. Keep your baby-dog parades in door, buddy.
Reply:uhhhhhhh no!!!!!!!!!! are you stupid or retarded.
Reply:no. your dog might run or panic and your baby might fall off and break his neck (you don't want that to happen would you?). or just make the dog stay calm.
Reply:That's really nice.

I'd like to make one of the babies try it, but too risky...
Reply:They can but they shouldn't. Dogs are'nt designed like horses, their backs aren't built to carry a load for a long period of time. Short times maybe, but not on a regular basis.

Also it's a bit risky for the baby, the dog might get a fright or another unleashed dog may approach to start a fight, at least with the baby safe in a stroller you have your hands free to deal with stuff like that.

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