Friday, March 12, 2010

Where to start to be a U.S Marine?

Ok, So ever since I can remember I wanted to be in the military. I currently live in the United States in a country that I love and want to server. I am here on a visa and they wont let me join with it because I am not a citizen. How do I become one?

I also started to train for what might lay just few yards ahead of me. I started running, bike riding and swimming just about every day. How much of each should I do to prepare my self for boot camp? How many miles should be my goal (running), how far should I travel on my bike, etc....

Where to start to be a U.S Marine?
talk to a recruiter
Reply:My answer was better. Report It

Reply:Talk to you recruiter. I wasn't a citizen and they helped me to become a citizen. It's a honor to serve in the armed forces. The military doesn't have anything to do with politics. Joining the military has to do with discipline, courage, honor, self respect, endurance, like Nicholson said in "A Few Good Men" ; " ..we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use 'em as a punchline."

Go for it!

and remember:

"We are, the few, the proud...the Marines"
Reply:call a recruiter take the physical see if you pass. for encouragement listen to
Reply:Talk to your local Recruiter..........Run 3miles at least 3 times a week!.........If your weak in the pullups...I suggest do lot's of them everday.....5 set' many reps per set as you can do!.....leg lifts..crunches..EVERYDAY! build up your situp' bootcamp you will need to run 3miles in 100situps in 2 min....and 20 train hard...and remember don't join..unless your willing to give your life for your fellow Marines!........good Luck!
Reply:Be prepared to polar bear swim with a full 60 pound pack on your back between large chunks of ice in black water! And don't you dare let your ammo or weapon get wet marine! Run five miles with full gear with your rifle fully extended overhead arms locked at the elbows the entire way,and see if you can breathe while doing this! You will run until you drop and then you will crawl the rest of the way marine! Ask the meanest bastard you know to beat the crap out of you while standing at attention without flinching marine! Who gave you permission to bleed over my clean sand marine? Who gave you permission to fall down marine? Stand up and take it like a man marine! You call yourself a marine, well let me tell you, your life expectancy in this unit is about 10 seconds! You better get your crap together marine and I mean right this very instant! This is how you start to be a Marine Recon Ranger!
Reply:To enlist in the United States military you must be a U.S. citizen. I know people who have become U.S. citizens. First you should talk to a recruiter to find out how. He should also be able to tell you more about the physical activities you should be doing. The marines are the toughest branch, so it will not be easy. They also require a lot of commitment. The physical requirements are a lot higher and the boot camp is the longest and toughest (my uncle was an officer in the marines). Good luck, hope it works out for you.
Reply:if you can speak fluent arabic i hear the intelligence/counter terrorism sector would really like you. you could be some kind of spec. op. soldier
Reply:I can't believe people would bash the Marines like that (or call you a terrorist)!

The Marines fight hard for our freedom. When you become a Marine, you carry a certain kind of respect that you can only discover when you join the Marines. You also receive that special respect when people find out you were/are a Marine.

I know because 2 of my friends had brothers that were Marines. Let me say that they were very well respected, and all of us were proud of them for serving their country.

I thought that it normally takes 5 years to get citizenship in the US, but don't you get it in 2 years if you join the military? As long as you speak English and can pass Basic Training, they should be able to let you in. Talk to you local recruiter, as it should help.

And congrats for wanting to serve your country. That is absolutely GREAT.

Good luck singing up!

Hope I helped.
Reply:You don't have to be a U.S. Citizen to join the Military. Many non citizens have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Special laws often apply to non-Americans who actively served in the U.S. armed forces. In some cases, these laws eliminate the residence and waiting period requirements applicable to most green card holders. In certain situations, once served, ex-military personnel may even be able to become naturalized U.S. citizens without first getting green cards.

Talk to a recruiter, because whoever said you couldn't join is wrong. You might want to even try calling a State Representative in your area or your Congressman.

Good Luck to you.
Reply:They will let you join if you meet qualifications or will tell you what you have to do to meet them. Just go see a recruiter and find out what you have to do. There is no other option.
Reply:Trailer Park.
Reply:Go see a Marine Recruiter...........they will guide you.

Opps, never mind. I just read your whole question. Either go back to your country and enter ours legally to become a Marine or finish your citizenship paperwork first. If this has been such a dream of your you would thought the citizenship thing would come before your workout routine!
Reply:Learn not to use your brain, that's a start on the way to becoming a jarhead. Why do you think they are called jarheads? It's because their heads are empty like a jar.
Reply:Why would you want to be a marine why don't you just shoot yourself your life would probably be more useful that way.

we dont want terrorists in our ranks!!!


mobility scooter

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