Friday, March 12, 2010

My motherboards processor is an "Unknown Cpu Type"? of my buddies sold me a GIGABYTE motherboard...which the model is "7DXR+"..........and he threw in a processor in with it and wasnt sure if the motherboard could handle it (its an AMD ATHLON XP 2800+, we are positive it is that) and i looked up the motherboard on the GIGABYTE website, and it says that the highest processor with the latest BIOS update that it can an AMD ATHLON XP 2600......and also ...when it boots will say that its clocking @ ~1250 what im wondering is...can i over-ride this problem somehow by making it work with the 2800 without having to buy a new motherboard? and my other question would be ,,,is it really clocking at 1250mhz when its a 2.0ghz????

My motherboards processor is an "Unknown Cpu Type"?
It looks like your processor is the XP 2800+ Barton that runs at 166mHz x 12.5 multiplier= 2083mHz. It appears that your motherboard's fsb is set at 100mHz thus, your resulting speed is 100 x 12.5= 1250mHz. Check for fsb clock setting to 133 and 166 mHz in BIOS or through jumper pins. Setting it to 166mHz should bring it to 2083mHz.

I suspect your motherboard supports the XP 2600+ Thoroughbred that also runs at 166x 12.5 but that processor only has half the L2 cache of a Barton.
Reply:Great to hear that. Enjoy your PC. Report It

Reply:Bios dominates everything. If the bios does not supports your processor. The best you will get is the under performing processor sitting on top. Or worse, you will crash from time to time.

Check and see if someone on craigslist willing to trade your cpu with you.

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