Sunday, March 14, 2010

My neighbour found her dog was deaf?

so she took it to the vet ! The vet found it was hair in the dogs ears causing the problem so he cleaned them out and the dog was fine ! The vet told the old lady that to stop it ocurring again to buy some Nair and just repeat what he had just shown her.

When she went to Boots, the chemist suggested that if the Nair was for her underarms, then not to use deoderant for a few days.

" Its not for my underarms " she told him ! " Well, if its for your legs, don't shave for a while " ! " Its not for my legs either " she replied "

" Where is it for then " he asked ?

" Its for my Scnauzer " she said ! " Well in that case " says the chemist , " don't ride your bike for a few days " !

My neighbour found her dog was deaf?
Reply:HAHAHAHAHA ^__^HAHAHAHAHA ^_________^ Dude thats great! Ive never heard that one before. Props man Props
Reply:that's ******* awesome nice one


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