Wednesday, March 17, 2010

She is using me?

my tanisha is using me for money, candy ,rides,food she is ruinig my life should i give her the boot or stay her friend

She is using me?
What the heck is a tanisha??

Let her know why you are doing it, though.

Good luck!
Reply:stop giving her all of those things and see what happens. If she gets angry, give her the boot..
Reply:Quit giving her those things, but stay her friend. If she gets upset about it, she isn't much of a friend. It's one thing to help out or share once in awhile as a friend, but when you give constantly and get nothing back in return, you're being used. Then it's time to give her the boot!!! Good luck!
Reply:She's ruining your life, using you for candy, rides and etc. Why ask the question is she's doing these things to you. Move on. There are other true friends out there.
Reply:do me a favor and read what you wrote and you tell me what you should do... You give her the boot she is using you why would you let someone do that to you... She's not your friend if she's using you friends are quick to give and slow to take you remember that... Don't forget it ... because it is not fair to you to be there for her if she's using you DROP HER NOW!
Reply:use her for a boot?
Reply:give her the boot. and find friends who like you for who you are and now what you give them.
Reply:my ex every time she was angry stole my money , wrecked my apartment stabbed me or beat me. when u are in a co-dependent relationship u begin to think and believe that if i just do this thing or that thing then finally they will love me . i think the answer is somewhere in that their are two types of people those who want to love and be loved and souless people whose parents should have eaten them at birth. i suggest to u that life is too short find some one whoe loves u more than they love themselves or you are just wasting your time money and wont have the desire to give it to some one who appreciates you and deserves u., all is fair in love and war

and she will ove u more the less u are available, the truth is any time that u dont get as much as u put into a relationship the relationship has a problem :

every relationship is a contractual arrangement by nature in that both parties enter in expecting compensation

in the words of my mother **** her but dont love her
Reply:Kick 'er out
Reply:The boot

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