Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why are sport bike and normal bike people nice. And why do Harley riders have a macho attitude problem?

A guy walks in a bar he has on a harley leather hat, harley leather jacket, harley boots, takes out his harley wallet and gets a beer. What a sap! Then talks about his harley. Just how gay are you HD riders its bad enough you paid good money to ride 90 year old technology! Then you had to take the mufflers off of it....So why the tough guy act? Is it because some guys are straight and dont like the reach around from a fellow hog rider.

Why are sport bike and normal bike people nice. And why do Harley riders have a macho attitude problem?
well, there you go. Harley guys used to be THE BEST! but now, all these weekend ya-hoos think they've got something to prove...the guy with all his Harley-endorsed b.s. is just that, a load. Find any real Harley guy, he's about a million years old, ha a beard down to his Jonny, is the best gentleman you've ever met, and waves to everyone ele on a bike, the old school way...nothing to prove, just a way of life. (and most of them are not gay, just so you know)
Reply:its a falick thing
Reply:With Harley riders, it's about an image and ego thing. With Japenese bikers, it's about being yourself, riding, and having fun. That's one of many reasons I ride Jap bikes.
Reply:Some Harley guy steal your girl? I'd be pissed, too, but you should probably take your grievance over to "Relationships and Dating" , or something.
Reply:the need to fit in is a very basic human desire and this extends to bikers of all stripes Ive seen guys spend 18000 on a bike to fit in Ive seen guys spend 10000 on colorful leathers to fit in 600 on a helmet 1200 fighting helmet tickets Ive got friends wholl spend god knows what on dual stage nitros to go faster on a bike that already goes 180 Ive got friends wholl drop 500 on chrome that does nothing but shine motorcycles are an individual thing and while a group or mob mentality does sometimes enter into the fray as long as these fellas arent using my gas money to jazz up thier looks or performance I dont care Im gonna ride Ive spent 1200 on an old bike that wont ever be worth 500 but I bought it to ride not resell Ive got 40 dollars in stickers on a 20 dollar lid that probably wont help in a crash I talk sh*t on my yuppy harley friends and my 20sumthin crotch rocket friends it takes all kinds oh hell yeah the suns out Im going riding
Reply:Maybe they have bigger pipes! =)
Reply:I think you may be stereo typing that group. There is MANY different types of Harley Bikers from Christian to Gangs...depends on the class just like anything else...And some Like thier Harley's like some like football. I know what "type" you speak of and they are the people that are trying to fit in to the category of what most people presume as the Bad@zz attitude.

But it is not all of them ......I have met some foolish kids on sports bikes in thier klans do stupid stuff to.

But even though you have a small point it's a bit harsh don't you think?
Reply:Everyone is different. Your labeling every HD rider. Thanks. Thats mature. Maybe you are a little insecure. Or maybe you ran into a jerk. Its not the bikes fault, or yours, or mine. And Im a HD rider and so is my husband. And I don't think its fair that you put us all in the same box. It would be a shame if we put all other riders in seperate boxes. What did you expect the rider to do when going into a bar? Sit in a corner and not drink? Of coarse he pulled out his dough and bought a beer. He talked about his bike. Woopie. So don't talk to him. Get over yourself.
Reply:It sounds like you have the attitude problem... Stop judging others based on what they ride or what they wear, where they go or what they drink. I've met jerks who ride everything from BMW's to Yamahas and I've met some incredibly nice guys and gals who ride Harleys would give you the shirt off their back and a bed for the night if you needed it - so lose the stereotypes. Nice people ride everything and not-so-nice people ride everything too.
Reply:Here's some good reading smokey (no posers allowed).
Reply:its easy, harleys are bad ***
Reply:wow i just realised you should be in bed.. and mummy just got home to tuck you in .. so get to bed and stop dreaming about being a biker cause you never will be one. your favorite toy is on the bed waiting.. to be squeezed SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS
Reply:It's because they are pissed off that they spent oodles of money on a bike that has no power or performance.

It takes a special kind of person to knowingly spend upwards of $25,000 on a bike that has less technology in the year 2006 than a bike from overseas had in 1980...

Buell had the right idea, but they stuffed a great big heavy pig of an engine into a true american sports bike. If Harley really cared they would give up some money and create an engine worthy of the other superbikes of the world.
Reply:you are on a roll...
Reply:They love their bike more than anyone. We parked our camper with 2 Honda's on a trailer behind it out side a hotel in country Queensland these Harley Riders came and parked front and back real close and looked out the window laughing at my wife and myself.Wife said are you going to ask them to shift I said no you get in the drivers seat and rev up the motor she did and I was guiding her back close to the Harleys You never seen so much leather move so quick in all your life they couldnt even get their helmets on they **** themselves . Im 66 wife 65 .
Reply:this is how he lost his girl.


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