Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jumping my mare?

I have a 17 year old paint mare.Ive rode and shes been mine since i was probably about 6.I've been training her in jumping,barrel racing,pole bending,keyhole,and flags and she is excelling.She has taken home multiple seconds and a few wins.She is currently jumping about 3 1/2 feet and obviously loves it.She is extremely danger prone so she has her entire legs covered completely by boots and we usually jump bareback but are beginning with a saddle. She always takes off too early for a jump and ends up with 6 foot leaps because she is 3/4 of the way blind and her depth perception is off.she also has an old tendon injury and cant properly flex her leg but feels no pain from it.She loves to jump so much i was sitting on the ground once and she took off over the jump without me!I want to let her jump higher but am concerned for her safety. is it safe to continue training?i also dont need grief for her age. she is extremely muscular and the fittest horse i have.i need advise to continue this

Jumping my mare?
This mare's got a lot of heart, but it takes more than heart to jump. With her diminished eyesight and restricted flexion of the leg, she should not be jumping at all. Someday, she is going to misjudge her distance and her leg is not going to give her enough support for the jump, and she is going to seriously injure herself, maybe even fatally!
Reply:it depends if it is still safe to train her but you have to make the decision if you think its safe then keep it up if you think its not safe then maybe stop
Reply:Her age has nothing to do with it! You can't jump a horse that can't see what she's supposed to go over. I certainly wouldn't jump her 3 and 1/2 feet! She sounds like a great mare with lots of trust in you so please stop putting her in harm's way.

Reply:I don't know about her age, but if your horse is really half blind and has leg problems I wouldn't jump her while you're riding.

You can't really know that she loves it, just because she takes off over a jump doesn't mean she likes to. My mare does the same thing, but that's because she hates it and wants to get it over with as quickly as possible when she thinks I want her to jump.

If her eyesight and her depth perception are bad, that just makes it even worse. Because horses can't see jumps normally. They can't see anything that's right in front of them because of where their eyes are set in their head. So not only can she not see it when she's jumping over it, she can't see it before or after or judge where it is.

If you keep jumping her one day she's going to get seriously hurt.

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