Sunday, March 14, 2010

Guys - can you please help me (or maybe even girls)??

Ok, here's the deal... I'm 23 fem... I gotta 2 1/2 yo lil girl. I'm not your typical 'chic.' I don't like shopping. I'm not much into 'fashion.' My clothes consist of jeans, boots and a t-shirt. I'm not a slob but I just don't doll up and what not. I would rather hike or fish or just ride around on back roads. I find myself attractive - more inside than out though. And it seems that I can't find a guy who's interested in me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I don't do drugs, don't drink. I'm more of a 'friend' to guys than girlfriend material. The last guy that I dated or whatever (for 2 months) said he'd rather be my best friend and I haven't heard from him since. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I seem to attract jerks and losers. And here I am, another Saturday night - at home, on the net. I don't have any female friends to talk to or to confide in. They'll talk to me at school (college) but when it comes to hanging out, they ditch me. Can anyone give me any advice?? Please

Guys - can you please help me (or maybe even girls)??
I don't know, but you sound like an interesting person. If you are clean and coordinated then I don't think the clothing is an issue, especially, if you are comfortable. I don't think you should feel like you are not enough. There is someone for everybody, maybe your guy friends are out pounding the girls and have enough respect for you not to treat you like one of them. You also never know, one of them could end up falling for you and loving you for who you are. As far as the girls ditching you, they might not be on your intellectual level. All they probably have going for themselves is appearance. Everything will fall into place, you're not an old maid, you're in college doing things for yourself, you have a good head on your shoulders. You seem really cool. If I'm ever on the net, drop me a line.
Reply:I don't know. Not to get at you about your style, but maybe you should try dressing a little more femininely. Jeans and a Tee are fine for the grocery store but not for going to dinner or on a date. I can see where a man might find you as more of a friend than a love interest because men usually like women who do like to treat themselves like they're beautiful (i.e. putting on a little make up, lip gloss even, and dressing well.) Try it, I bet you'll find that looking good isn't as bad as you think. Remember, tomboys are for twelve-year-olds, not twentythree-year-old women.
Reply:COME Join All the Rest of Us


Jerks and Losers are Pieces of CRAP!! Bottom line, they look for anyone they can crap up and leave.

IF YOU AINT A SLUT, you aint got no game , because SLUTS get dates all the time, but still go home more lonely than before because they've just finished a bout sophisticated prostitution.
Reply:join some clubs.
Reply:you will find someone that is not a jerk someday.
Reply:Dont rush, (unless you want a jerk).

Mr Right or Mr. Nearly Right (or Miss) will eventually turn up. Its a bit like a watched pot never boils.
Reply:Just be patient. You're still young yet. You sound fine to me (I'd much rather have a girl in "jeans and a t-shirt" than most of the girls and the way they dress today). But, you can also take comfort in the fact that you're not alone. Look how many of us are on Yahoo! Answers on a Saturday night, too!
Reply:If you're a unique woman, it'll take just a bit longer to find that equally unique guy. But when you do, you'll be in heaven. Don't sell out, do not compromise, never settle.

I'm well over twice your age and I'm still looking forward to meeting up with the unique woman of my dreams. But, because we're worth it, so is the wait. And when that special person finally enters your life, you'll be ecstatic - no, elated - that you're loved from the inside out.
Reply:HI well to start im only 14 but i know what ur talking bout u attract loosers and ***** becasue ur only 23 and u have a kid guys think ur a slut becasue of how old u are i dont think that ok but thats what other guys think and second sometimes u have to take risks to attract guys u like
Reply:start to doll up a man wants a women who like to look good
Reply:I'm like you in the "jeans %26amp; t-shirt" department, and I have no trouble making friends, or finding men to date.

You've got some great interests - you just need to find people who share them. If you like to hike, try the Sierra Club. They have an off-shoot called Sierra Singles that sponsors hikes for single people. That way, you're doing something you enjoy, and if you meet someone - male or female - you know that they like the same kind of thing.

There are also Parents Without Partners groups - that should be a good place to meet people who understand the responsibilities, joys and difficulties of raising a child alone.

Good luck!
Reply:don't look for love it will happen on it's own. sounds like you are happy with yourself and that's a great thing. and if you ever need anyone to shot the **** with i'll be your friend don't now bout hangin out cause we more than likely aren't in same town but anyway you'll be ok and it will happen

why don't you feel sorry for yourself alittle bit. you aren't the only single thing out there ya know but you don't see every other single person crying into their computer... get a life and spare all of us that crap.... get over yourself!

leather handbag

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