Friday, March 12, 2010

Does anyone have tips on how to use the rope tow using a snowboard. I keep falling?

I have no problem going downhill it's the uphill part that i hate. I don't feel comfortable leaving the bunny hill yet. I am still working on my carving. Anyways, i still can't seem to get a hang on the rope tow. I usually go up with one boot strapped (to the binding) to the board while the other is unstrapped. As i go up hill my board sometimes rocks side to side and sometimes i feel like my unstrapped foot is slipping off my board then moves uncontrollably....then i let go of the rope slip and land pretty nasty. The other day i i sorta flew backwards landed on the snow while the board was above my face and it was pulled by the rope a bit which pulled the board (while my foot was still attached) and felt this wierd pull on my ankle.(It took me a week to heal). Any tips on what i should do or get to be able to get up all the way up instead of only going up halfway and walking the rest up or get hurt. It will make my riding a bit more enjoyable. Thanks in advance!

Does anyone have tips on how to use the rope tow using a snowboard. I keep falling?
If your back foot feels like it's sliding around invest in a stomp pad if you don't have one. When you're about to get started let the rope feed through your hands a little then try scooting a little bit to get a head start that way you don't get yanked from a standing position. Keep your knees bent and try pushing the nose of the board up hill just a little. Don't get too nervous if the board tracks left to right a little it'll stick in the path other boards have made. Keep your back foot out and if you feel like you're losing it a little try scooting a little to get your balance back. It also helps if you hold on with one hand in front and one hand in the back. If the rope is behind you you should feel like you're sitting on it a little if your facing it should feel like you're leaning on it. Keep with it and you'll be fine and don't be afraid to break away from the bunnies onto a steeper slope, most of the time it's easier than riding the flat stuff.
Reply:well i have seen people sit on there snowboard while going up but if you want to learn you just have to practise. try to start with the board straight and then go with the groove on the way up. you will have to lean forward or back in order to not fall. also make sure you are going up with the straped foot first which will give you more control
Reply:It takes a while to get used to snowboarding, after time and practice, your balance will become better, sounds like you can use some help, so heres this site
Reply:Yea rope toes suck. Remeber to lean back a bit to counteract the rope tow. Keep you knees bent and hold on. If you stay loose you will be fine.
Reply:hold on and keep ur nose up simple as tht
Reply:your doing one big thing wrong in my eyes

snowboards aren't meant to be ridden on in one binding so why would you

if they allow you which they should go up fully strapped in like you would going down hill

its way easier to stay in control and it keeps your front foot from going crazy

hope this helps

i ride the rope tow at our park up in NH and i ride it with fully strapped in and its a piece of cake


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