Friday, March 12, 2010

Couple of showing questions?

I want to start showing this year, so since this will be my first year, what class would I be showing in? I ride english, I jump probaly somewhere around 18' and I'm 13. What colors would I need to wear? And do I get tall boots or jodphur clips? How would I wear my hair, or does that not matter? What clothes do I need to get? PLEASE HELP ME! Thanks to everyone who answers! ;]

Couple of showing questions?
You should talk to your trainer about which classes to compete in, she would be the best person to tell you. The trainer at my barn usually starts the kids out one level below what they are schooling. It also depends on your comfort level, if you are nervous, you might just want to do cross rails at your first show.

You should have beige jodhpurs, a white shirt, preferably long sleeved, and I would suggest a black or navy blue jacket and leather show gloves. Since you are only 13 and aren't going to be doing the big classes, tall boots aren't necessary. (They are expensive and you'll probably grow out of them too fast anyway). See if there is a tack store with a consignment shop, you'll save a bundle.

If your hair is short, wear it in a hair net tucked into your helmet, if it's long, you can wear just want it to look neat.

I know you'll have fun doing your shows, good luck!
Reply:Well where I live:

in your first year of showing you would show in Newcomer classes. so like Newcomer dressage, Newcomer hunter(which would be 18')..

For clothes, I think the appropriate colours for breeches are a light beige kind of colour or white and a white or light coloured blouse or shirt that covers the front of you and you can wear a show jacket with the shirt (usually navy blue or black) but you don't have to..

You can get tall boots or you can just wear half chaps over short riding boots.

Usually at this level is doesn't really matter too much about your hair but it looks nicer if you french braid it, or put it in a neat low bun and with some short of hair net (especially if you have layers).

Have fun with your first show season!!
Reply:You need to get breeches (the riding pants-- the green/beige color) you need to get tall boots (ariat are the best brand) you need to get a show shirt ( i would get a long sleeve white one) you need a show jacket (grey, hunter green, or blue) and you should get a velvet helmet, you would also need a hair net you want to get all your hair into the helmet... none showing. I do not know what circuit you show in but i would shoe in crosspole or begginer.
Reply:do a class to your ability and one that you think you'll do well in as your thirteen you need to wear beige jodhpurs with short boots and jodhpur clips, a showjacket and a shirt and tie and make sure your get a hat silk and gloves that match the colour of your showjacket and because your not sixteen you need to wear your hair in plaits!!

hope this helps if you need any more infomation just write back!!!
Reply:well, im 13 too, and usually when youre 13 you have to start wearing tall boots. its not that big of a deal if you don't but youll HAVE TO when your 14. youll also need a show shirt, a show jacket, some neutral-colored jodhurs, and if you want, black gloves. your hair will need to be tucked into your helmet in a hairnet...(dont ask me how to put these on because i am terrible at it) can get all this at a tack shop or online...(ill list some good sites)when i jumped 18" i showed in short stirrup and w/t/c eq. if you have an instuctor she/he would probably help you.
Reply:Class - advanced beginner or intermediate beginner

No tall boots. Preferably regular boots that tie. you can go to any saddelry and get show clothes

you should put ur hair in a hair net and tuck into your helmet
Reply:what everyone else said! good luck!
Reply:For my first year of showing, I was jumping 18" hunters. If you want advice like "pre-childrens" or whatever, I have no idea. But, hunters is what I would recommend for your first few shows, so you don't have to worry about tricky turns, or time, or anything.

Colors...well as long as it's a pretty neutral color, like hunter green, black, brown, or even dark gray, it doesn't seem to matter past that. I just wore a hunter green fleece and beige breeches at my first shows.

I would say tall boots, since you are 13. I'm 13 and supposed to get tall boots this year, but since I live in a small town and show at local shows, I can show in paddock boots and half chaps, but if you're showing in a bigger, more competitive place, then tall boots.

For hair, you should put it in a low ponytail, then flip it on top of your head and fasten it with a hairnet and bobby pins under your helmet. It looks nice as long as you make sure that no hair or hairnet is sticking out! But if your helmet is too small for your hair to fit, you could either get one of those clips with a net attached and put your hair in a bun inside it, a low bun, or braids if it's not a big show.

And should get either beige, maybe olive green, or white breeches/jodphurs and if your trainer wants you to wear a show coat, then you should buy a show coat, a leather belt for your jods, a show shirt with collar, and a stock pin. But if not, then a nicer looking fleece or jacket would work in the winter, or a white show shirt in spring and summer.

Either long or short sleeved shirt should work, but you should make sure not to get sleeveless even if you're wearing a coat, because if the show staff waives the coat rule, you'd have to keep it on if you're wearing sleeveless.

Hope I helped. Good luck!
Reply:okay, im 14, i used to ride hunter. all you need in a good hunt coat, grey and light plaids are in this year (:

i'd say get one of two shirts for underneath that will match. that way if you lose a collar to one shirt, you have another one. SPARES COME IN HANDY. get a pair of tan or beige breeches. when in doubt, stay simple! a nice pair of tall boots, or jods. only wear jods if your showing UNDER 13. if your OVER 13 you MUST wear tall boots. (showing rules in NH shows. not sure bout your state. check before the show just in case) hair, you should wear low ponytail or french braid, doesn't matter your wearing a helmet. but you have to wear a hair net that clips below your helmet, or get one that covers your whole head. deosn't really matter which. just no loose hairs. uhm... stock pin for your collar? thats optional. i always wear one, but it doesnt really matter. its just a little somethin'-somethin' to give a sparkle. theyre relatively cheap anyway.

okay, so im not sure what show your showing, but the classes you should enter would be like...

-Low Working Hunter 1'' - 1'' 6'

-Open Hunter Pleasure Horse

-Pre-Childrens Hunter 1'' - 1'' 6'

-Pre-Childrens Equitation 1'' - 1'' 6'

-Pre Level 1 Hunter Horse

-Childrens Walk/Trot/Canter Equitation

-Childrens W/T/C Pleasure

classes like that should work for you.

good luck this year. i hope this helped. email me if you have any more questions or need pictures or more explanation! (:
Reply:Usually alligator clips are for little kids in beginner divisions. Since you are 13, I would suggest going to a local tack store and picking up some breeches (you can get a cheap pair for somewhere like $50 - maybe even cheaper since most tack stores are having their spring sales!) and a show shirt (you could pick up a used show shirt for something like $30!). I would suggest either tall boots OR paddock boots with NICE half chaps since it's most likely schooling shows that you are doing (since it's a schooling show, you could get away with tall rubber boots for the time being, but down the road I would invest in some tall leather field boots). A jacket may cost a bit more (they usually do - I got mine, a Tailored Sportsman for $275 and I LOVE it! but you could probably find one for $50-$150) and are usually excused at schooling shows on hot days (but still have one handy just in case).

I would seriously go into the consignment section of a local tack store and see what they have to offer. You can pick up some pretty nice but cheap things there.

Your hair should ideally be tucked up into your helmet so that nobody can see it - usually bobby pins and hairnets work great for this so make sure your helmet is big enough to fit your hair into it. Since you will most likely be at a schooling show and in the beginner division, it probably won't matter too much. :)

I would think that you would be competing more in the beginner(ish)/green divisions where there would be classes such as walk/trot, walk/trot/canter, and usually 2 caveletti classes. Usually there are walk/trot leadline classes in the beginners, but you don't have to enter this class by any means!

The number one thing though, is to have fun!! Always remember to reward your horse afterwards :)

cat skin problem

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