Sunday, October 11, 2009

So now polygamy is legal? women have to wear scarves?

Reading some of these questions I have to wonder am I in Iraq?

Did our laws change somehow in the last few days?

We are not Christian anymore? Please someone out there restore my faith in humanity. I am a red neck country boy who was raised to believe the bible.

We had one wife, we didn't lie, steal, or commit adultry.

Those were sins!

Women here ride horses and wear cowboy hats and boots.

Do they now have to get off the horses and quit helping us feed the cows and wear burkas. Help me out here guys I am confused. From the computer this moring my whole life has changed. What is the rules now?

So now polygamy is legal? women have to wear scarves?
I read it to and know what your talking about. It was a answer from some muslim about why shouldn't we have multiple wives and everyone agreed that we should.

But my guess is that the ones answering were his muslim friends. I believe that most Christians still believe that it is a sin to make more than one wife.

Until the muslim take over they are planning.
Reply:It would help if you referenced a source, because no one seems to know what you're talking about. The only thing I've seen about polygamy today is that a jailed polygamist is promising to be monogamous and that Warren Jeffs was indicted a couple days ago, so I really don't know where you're coming from.

You are, however, rather naive if you really believe that in the good ol days we never lied, stole, or committed adultery. Of course we did! It happened all the time! By churchgoers and non churchgoers alike!
Reply:The rules have not changed.

Let's get something clear, I'm not a fan of Muslims but 99% of them have only one wife.

It just a few Kings they feel they can get away with that and they aren't in IRAQ.

You do know there are some American Christians who feel they can have multiple wives. Such as the Branch Dividians in Texas.

The Mormons had to officially give up that right to become a state.
Reply:I have no idea what you are referring to. Here in Canada, no laws related to monogamy have changed. Not that I've heard.

Nor have I heard such a thing about our neighbours to the south. To what are you referring by chance?
Reply:I think that may be in turkey but am not sure I have not heard that in the uk any way.
Reply:Why should i restore your faith in humanity when people like you have shattered mine?

Reply:I was reading the answers and it seems your right it was everyone agreeing that having multiple wives was the new right thing to do.

that women should wear scarves if they husband wanted them to.

What was amazing to me is that all the people agreed with them. Not giving up my levi's and boots just yet.


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