Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Whats your thoughts on Ski Blades?

i'm a skier, im fairly allright and what not, but i'm not super into the sport....but i do head up to the mountain atleast a half a dozen times each season.

anyways, the other day, my neighbor was having a garage sale. he knew i was going up to the mountain and showed me a pair of ski blades that looked allright, and offered to sell them for me for 10 buxs.

he showed me how to put them on, and adjusted them to fit my regualr ski boots.

i've never seen or used them before, so i figured "well, its only 10 buxs"....they seemed "allright" nothing special that i noticed about them, other than they can't pick up that much speed, but are very muneverable.

a few times, i could hear people riding the chair lifts yelling "skiblades suck!"....i asked my buddy who was with me, who is a avid skier what he thought/knew of ski blades

he preety much told me,

"There the rollerblades of a skatepark"

Anyways, i like my regular 160's, but whats your thoughts on ski blades?

Whats your thoughts on Ski Blades?
Stright up waste of materials.
Reply:wrathe put it very well, i would be pretty embarrassed to wear them outside, and i really dont think they are that much more maneuverable than my 165s, and the lack of speed/ability to carve is definitely a dealbreaker...but hey, they were only ten bucks, so who cares?
Reply:In terms of style they are the Super Cheese of the snow sport world... My favorite quote comes from my best buddy and fellow freestyle team-mate... "What's the hardest thing about Fruit-Booting?.... Telling your parents you're GAY."

Spare yourself the indignity and don't ruin the best sport in the world with blades of glory.

Reply:I was given a pair of blades for my birthday a few years ago, as an ex skier, and now a snowboarder, it was a bit embarassing to stick these on my boots. But they are great fun, very easy to jump, spin, turn etc. Just a bit of a laugh for an afternoon, but keep on the hard stuff, great for those icy patches, but don`t touch the powder or it`ll be a faceplant!!
Reply:I am an expert skier, and i have been skiing since i was three (now 19). I bought a pair for myself to try them out. I loved the feel of them and it was fun to do freestyle easier. I don't have a problem doing double or triple black diamonds; however with the blades there is a lot less planning required, and they made these runs really easy. Also, in powder is a blast. You feel like you are floating.

So in conclusion they are fun an easy to use, don't care what people say to you if your just out for fun.

On the negative side, if you are serious about skiing, i wouldn't use these. After a couple weeks of using my snow blades I switched back to skis. It was weird, after using the blades, I had become more accustomed to their weight transfer and center of balance. It was weird to get back to my skis, and my performance on the slopes suffered for a few days. I could still ski all the runs alright, it just didn't feel right. It took me a few weeks to get back to feeling confident to hit any trail again.

In conclusion, if you are just out for a fun time enjoy the blades. If you want to develop skill, and enjoy the world of skiing forget about the blades and stick to skiing.

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