Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What do people in other states think of Texas and Texans?

I've heard alot of bad things from people in other states about Texas and Texans, why? I think its a great state. I have also heard some people think Texans are all country, wear coyboy boots and hats all the time, and ride horses to work, is this true?

What do people in other states think of Texas and Texans?
I'm from Philadelphaia %26amp; i used to live in El Paso for a mounth %26amp; I traveled thorgh The State on Grehound Bus.Lots of small towns are really poor.But I love El paso %26amp; I think Houston is gross. i ike that state.
Reply:When I think of Texas I think of intolerance, racism, machoism, heat, the BUSH family and other conservative republicans.

Probably the only place I would visit is Austin and possibly a short trip to San Antonio.
Reply:i live in england n i think of accents, homophobes, farmers, disgusting beef, people stuck in the last century + britney spears
Reply:They are huge (the state and the people).
Reply:people in texas are mean I'm from ga.
Reply:idk... i was born and raised in texas... ok yeah so i am counrty and wear bors and a hat all the time and ride horses [but nto to work, just for fun]... but thats becasue i grew up on a farm... apparently the people who are telling you this have never been to dallas or fort worth or witchta falls... they are big cities just like new york, tampa or miami... and yeah it is a great state... i love it and i would go back in a heartbeat if i had the chance.... but i think that people around the united states think that texans are all like hillbillies and rednecks because thats the idea that the media gives them... if you look at all the cowboys and indian movies that come out: they are all placed in texas, and eveyrone is riding a horse to work, wearing boots and a sound familiar???
Reply:People can think in stereotypes alot, especially if they have no experience with something. When I think of Texas I think of great cities, accents, pick-ups and a slower way of living.

mobility scooter

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