Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do you think General Armstrong Custer was a Christian?

He said:

We're responsible for the protection of 100,000 square miles of territory. And against us are ranged thousands of the finest light cavalry on earth. I found that out this morning. It's a big job, gentlemen... and it's gonna need a fine regiment. Our job is to make this the finest regiment that the United States ever saw. I needn't tell most of you that a regiment is something more than just six hundred disciplined fighting men. Men die. But a regiment lives on; because a regiment has an immortal soul of its own. Well, the way to begin is to find it. To find something that belongs to us alone. Something to give us that pride in ourselves that'll make men endure - and, if necessary, die... with their boots on. As for the rest it's easy: since it's no more than hard work, hard riding and hard fighting. Thank you, gentlemen, I know I can count on you

Do you think General Armstrong Custer was a Christian?
I would not be surprised if he was, but there is nothing written about whether or not he was or whether or not he even had a religion. He was a man of remarkable achievement and courage, and I find it fascinating that despite the fact he was a renowned Indian fighter;he fathered a child by a young Cheyenne woman named Monaseeetah. She was one of several taken captive at Washita. Many think of this as a true story. Of course the only way to know for sure would be from the DNA testing of the descendants.

I also find it remarkable that although Custer was at the bottom of his class at West Point, he became a Brigadier General at the age of 23!
Reply:Maybe in some peoples eyes, or his own, however.....I value a person to be a Christian if they truely follow a life as Jesus so instructed. I'll let God be the judge.
Reply:Well, from the remark you cited by him it would seem he encouraged his men to have hope in spite of how they viewed the odds of victory or defeat - he was trying to get them to look at the bigger picture. If you're going to fight for something you believe in, then you must be willing to die for it. As believers in Christ, we must be willing to fight the good fight of faith, because if we should lose our lives as martyrs for Him, the fight will be carried on by other believers. God bless you!!!
Reply:That depends upon who you ask...he's not around to say...


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