Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"What Should I do if my parents won't let me have a motorcycle even with my own money to buy it?"

I have been fascinated w/ motorcycles since i was a young kid.I wanted 1 so badly i told my parents i'll get 1 when i became old enough %26amp; they just smiled. Now i'm 18, have a job %26amp; saved enough money to buy myself one...but they wouldn't allow me to have one. I took The MSF coarse,Passed it w/ flying colors, bought all my safety gear(helmet boots Gloves %26amp; Jacket) in advance. They told me that this day will come %26amp; they're afraid that i might get hurt or even killed. Dad won't talk to me; Mom was crying. They even offered to co-sign a brand new car, but i told them that i'm set on the bike.And i told them that i'm a safe%26amp; responsible rider(even showed them my gear+ my MSF test Results) but they still wouldn't budge.Even my best buddies dropped by to educate them about riding safety; but to no avail.Why are my parents so not fair about this? Please help...I don't know what to do, i never wanted a car or any 4 wheeled vehicle for that matter...just a motorcycle. Thank You %26amp; God Bless...

"What Should I do if my parents won't let me have a motorcycle even with my own money to buy it?"
Hmmm quite the "Canundrum" that many of us faced growing up ! I bought a bike when I was 26 yrs old, my parents REALLY did NOT want me to have the bike, my father was a Dr in the E.R. and was really against it. I bought the bike, I had an apt. my parents said "Leave the Bike at the house" I did for a week or two, one day I went there and it was gone, my father GAVE it away ! He told me he loved me too much to watch me get "KILLED". You have to understand that safe riding is no gaurantee, most bike riders are killed by someone else not paying attention in a car. I bought a Mustang GT, a few years ago, I worked it up "SICK", super charger, stroker motor, 150 lbs shot of "NOX" etc. "10 second machine". I would take it out at 3 am for some "FUN", one night I was tooling along "Speeding", and two unmarked cop cars came out of no-where on my azz, (rollers lit up) I pulled over, and they raced past me in a real big hurry, about a mile down the road I saw bike hardware splattered all over the road, and that "CREEPY" feeling of "Oh my God It's a BIKE Accident", to see the body bag, and the bike in a jumbled knot, a young female driver crying and saying "I did'nt even see him", was a very "SOBERING" moment, i'm a father now, and although I was angry at what my parents did, I realized they saved my life. I still remember my father saying "I don't care if you're 26 yrs old, have a job, and and apt., it's MY JOB to make sure that you don't get "KILLED", you can be as mad at me as you like, someday you'll be a "FATHER" and understand"....Go for the car kid, you'll never get that offer again ! TAKE IT !
Reply:I joined the Marines the day after my 18th b-day. My mom cried every time she saw me for 2 weeks. She got over it. I hope 'justanotherengine' was reimbursed by his parents for the bike they gave away.You (asker and best answer) are both weak. Probably couldn't handle a motorcycle anyway. Report It

Reply:Tell them you are now 18 and became a man, where you can make your own decisions.
Reply:I do not like the horror stories about bikes even though they exist. I love bikes and I have been riding for 30 years. Riding a safe high quality bike must be the most fun you can have on earth. But it can be dangerous and lethal time to time. Accidents do happen no matter how good or careful you are and unlike car accidents even the smallest ones can get you hurt beyond your imagination. We are fragile creatures. Metal bars and concrete blocks are very hard things and asphalt is very abrasive. I would never suggest that you give up on biking but no matter how old you are your parents (and your close family members) are far more important than anything else. They are irreplaceable. It is not possible to understand what they feel until you become a parent yourself. What I suggest is, take your time, even it takes years, start with a very small very slow bike, let them get used to the idea, let them feel that you are responsible and you ride safe. Work your way up. They spend bulk of their life raising you, you should have the courtesy to be patient and respect their view.
Reply:Motorcycles are about rebellion and living on the edge.

My parents were the same, you will get the usual " not in my house" arguments,"Not while you are under my roof! " look you've made your mother cry" and so on and so on.

Its all Bullshit and your parents need to respect you and let go.

Go and do it anyway or do you want to live the rest of your life to just be doing what your parents tell you.

There is a fine line between respecting your parents and being subservient to them.

Respect is a 2 way street, at 18 you are considered an adult and old enough to make adult decisions without your parents consent.

If you give in on this one they will own you for the rest of your life!

Good luck
Reply:They just don't want to see you dead. Quite a few people in my family have died from motorcycle accidents, it's really quite easy to do it. They're just looking out for you. I'd accept the car, and get a motorcycle when you're living on your own. Think of it this way, is a motorcycle really worth tearing your family apart for?
Reply:Tell them if you can't have a motorcycle you're going to go down and join the Marines.That will make them sit up and think . Come on, be a man you're 18 for gods sake. They can't baby you forever.Or better yet why don't you come over and visit my friends son Josh. He wanted a bike so bad When he was your age his parents gave in and let him buy one. The very same day he got it he went around a curve to fast and lost control and flew off the bike and hit his head on a tree. Josh is now 23, almost a vegetable, has to wear diapers and be fed with a tube in his stomach. He can't talk and barely knows you are even there. His dad spends all his time taking care of this 6 foot four 235lb. young man and will have to all the rest of his life. You are still young,life will go,on wait until you are a little more mature to understand that just because you think you are a safe driver it is not you they are worried about. It is those old people out there still driving on the road or women drivers talking on their cell phones that won't see you on your little rice rocket and will pull out in front of you.If you don't die you could end up like my friends son Josh.Or you could man up and join the Marines like Josh wanted to.
Reply:First off, your parents love you, theres nothing wrong with that. BUT you could die in a car, you could die picking a pimple or scab with dirty fingernails, crossing the street, playing sports ect ect. Most things in life that dont include risks arnt really worth doing, I really dont think they are worried about you riding the bike, I think their worried about you riding the bike around people driving cars cause riding a motorcycle responsible is a fairly safe ordeal. Its when you throw cell phone toting soccer moms in the equation that it gets dangerous.

Either way its fairly obvious that your gonna get a motorcycle regardless, if its tommarow or as soon as you move out of the house it will happen so if I was them I would let ya do it now at 18 while your still at home and they can keep a eye on you and not have to worry about you having access to achol (at 21 of course) or being out late at night and tryin to ride home tired.

Try to bargin with them(and keep your end), tell them that if they do let you get the bike you will limit yourself from the highways, riding at night, and at all pratical cost riding in the rain for the first couple of months.

Just a question here, what kinda bike are you gonna get, cause if your plannin on going big (anything over 600 and even 600s pushing it thats assuming sportbike) I see why they told you no and I would do the same to my child. Also dont buy a new bike, your gonna drop it so its better to drop a old one where spare parts are cheap and avaible

Other than that they need to relax(assuming you have a pretty responsible track record), give you some space to grow into the person that your going to be at your own pace cause mine didnt and as soon as I got out of the house I went crazy and tried to do everything in 2 weeks and in the long run that turned out worse than if I would have started younger and had more time to learn from the mistakes I made before I had the chance to make another one cause I didnt really care and was all about the fun and freedom, I went out and did stuff just because I could and didnt have the hear about it later, I dont know your parents so take this as far as you know it will usefully get you (without starting a arguement) but just tell them to a degree that they cant keep you barred down the rest of your life so theres no real point in making this a big deal when your 18, you could get drafted go to war and get killed in a matter of months and theres nothing they can do about that so why cant you live life and enjoy it a little doing something that truly gives you joy. Everyone dies, not everyone lives.
Reply:(Exo 20:12 MKJV) Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long upon the land which Jehovah your God gives you.
Reply:I went though that when I was 15. My mom caught me riding and threw all my stuff on the front yard and locked the door. 16 years later she finally started talking to me again. Now she'll ride with me for a short ride. She was an E.R. nurse and worked on a lot of drunken bikers who were very injured and she couldn't stand the thought of it happening to me, She'll get over it hopefully in less that 16 years. I have not regreted my decision but I did miss my mom some of those years. Good luck and do what you have too! You have gotten off to a good start be safe and live to ride another day.
Reply:u are 18 and old enough to be on ur own and call ur own shots. i got my first bike at 37, and neither of my parents approved....3 yrs later my mom is still on me to sell the bike. they dont have a choice but to accept the fact that u have a bike.

if u got a sport bike, ur going to get 3x's more flack than i did with a cruiser. simply because sb's are notorious for being stupid on the street, and they are so dam hard to spot. never assume they see u. on a given day, u have about a 30% chance that some1 is gonna try to kill least in this area. in this area, bike wrecks are sometimes caused by stupidity, the blind cagers claim the rest.

its time to move out....take the bike, ur stuff, and set up digs elsewhere.
Reply:Last time I checked, that when you are 18 you are a adult. You dont have to ask your mommy and daddy if you can get a bike. GET ONE already!
Reply:Not much you can do if you live under their roof.


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