Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Signs of internal injurys from dirt bike accident without going to the er?

ok my son was riding his dirt bike and yes ofcorse all the gear to go with it. helmet,boots,chest protector,exct...anyway he competes in races so he was getting ready for the next race just to get pratice in at a local trail that we go to everyweekend, well he decided to put out a 3' bike ramp and jump it mind. you he is 7. awesome rider but still before i could explain to him and how to do it he had started to go for it but full throtal-jumped it got about 6 feet of air, then flipped over and over and over again with the bike landing on top of him in the first he was crying call 911 we did not move him so we waited then we cut his clothes off to see the injurys . his groin got a pretty bad blow, and he's brused up .he is complaing that his tail bone hurts.he is able to walk but slowly . he is terrified of the hospital or i would take him. he is alert but seem to have the chills, just wondering if anyone knows signs i should look for when i can't see the injury-thanks mom

Signs of internal injurys from dirt bike accident without going to the er?
Get him to the hospital!! I'd call 911 if your not close to hospital. He could be showing s/s of shock, and the bad thing is kids compensate so well for shock thats it often overlooked early. Then they crash and it's too late. Scared or not he needs to be checked for internal bleeding!
Reply:Get your son to the ER IMMEDIATELY. Sounds like, with chills, he is having some internal bleeding and may be going into shock. GO NOW and get off this damn computer.

Reply:O.K. mom it is time for some parenting here...take the kid to ER now. if he is having chills that is and indication that there could be internal injuries. I would not wait until he pukes his guts out or goes unconscious. I know no one wants to go to the hospital but that is why parents are older and understand the problems if we do not act on these things right away.
Reply:Only thing I can tell you is... I f he doesn't like the er, then that doesn't matter. if he's hurt he needs to go to a doctor. oh well he'll just have to get over it. your health is more important than a phobia.


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