Saturday, October 24, 2009

What would you get - just curious?

Okay. So. =]

I am ordering some boots and breeches from Dover, and am a little "stumped" on the bonus buys. They have a couple things that I want/need, I just can't decide. I would like to hear what you would get in my situation and why, just "for fun" and to help me decide. =]

1. Shipping Boots - I don't have any, but don't show often. I probably will more this summer, but if I don't have any when I do trailer I wrap my horse with polo wraps or borrow some. They are originally $150 and for the Bonus buy they are $80.

2. Pro Sport Boots - Again, I don't have any, but I don't jump often. I ride Western a little more then english so I use splint boots - and in shows I wouldn't be allowed to use the sport boots, but I still think it's a good idea to use them whenever I ride english at home. Originally $55 - Bonus Buy $25.

3. Quilted Saddle Pad - I do have one but it's not quite big enough for my saddle. It does cover my horse's back but it looks kind of awkward. Original $32 - BB $15

What would you get - just curious?
I would get the saddle pad, since it seems like you would benefit the most from having one that is big enough...

As you said with the other two items, you don't really need them and can find substitutes for them that work just as well.
Reply:Like everone else said go with the saddle pad. You would get more out of it then the eithers!!
Reply:I would go with the saddle pad, because you don't want the small one to slide and pinch.

If the saddle pad you have is just an appearance thing, get the shipping boots, as long as they are the big shaped kind, not the wierd little square ones because those fall off and slide around alot (not fun).

Actually, just get the boots, they are going to offer your horse alot more protection than polos in the trailer, and you won't have to hunt somebody down to borrow some.

And the Pro Sport boots are on sale right now (I'm going to buy some). And, no, they are not good for the trailer.
Reply:i wouldn't get shipping boots because some horses seem to try and kick the back leg boots off. i would stick with ttrailer wraps.

i would buy the saddle pad because you want to have more than one so you dont have to continue to use the same sweaty pad every time you ride.
Reply:I'd choose the Pro Sport Boots....I'm not sure that they're on sale that frequently....anyway.....We do allow sport boots in our reining, roping, working cow horse, barrel classes....I've used them frequently on an older mare when I trail ride...
Reply:The saddle pad makes sense. Either of the others would just be a case of buying something so you don't miss a bargain. Not such a bargain if you don't actually need them though.
Reply:If the first two items are not items you would really use that much, and you currently have a too-small saddle pad, I'd go with the saddle pad. :)
Reply:you have answered ur own question

and tack that fits is so increadibly important.

get the saddle pad
Reply:I would go for the saddle pad - you can never have too many of those! And $15 is a GREAT price! :)

Personally I don't use shipping boots, I use shipping wraps. They provide support in addition to protection. Also, since we do jumping and our horses don't get turned out for 3-4 days while at the shows, we put poultice on our horses legs every night at the show - shipping wraps double as standing wraps for poulticing but shipping boots can't.

Similarly I don't use "boots" very often. I prefer polo wraps and saratoga wraps as they conform to individual horses. (When we are at really big shows and in the equit or jumpers I use open front jumping boots for that extra bit of "classy-ness") So I wouldn't go for the pro sport boots.

But that's just me - Good Luck!
Reply:saddle pad if your old one is no good for your horse, but if only for looks the sports boots as you will find the you can use them a lot, ie for floating, working at home, reining, sporting, cutting, trail ridding etc, i use mine heaps, i find that they are better for floating than shipping boots as they never slip down. have fun
Reply:I would go for the saddle pad


Reply:I would defently go for the pad, if not two, one for shows, and home!

We dont use shippping boots at all so can't help their

skip the sport boots, unless you plan to show in jumping!
Reply:I dont think i would I would get the shipping boots because if you dont show that much then you really wont need them that badly. and...

if you got the Pro Sports Boots you could use those when you do trailer and I think that that would be enough protection. well, that is what i do and it works pretty good. enough at least. but i also the farthest i have ever trailered my horse is a little less then an hour. I deffinatly think you should get the Boots!!

Get the Quilted Saddle Pad. I think that you could probably get good use out of it.

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