Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Heeyy boys?!?

Just wondering, what do you like to see in a girl? what comes first, looks, personality, a job, a hobby? I'm a country girl who likes her tight fittin' jeans, boots, and a spagetti strap tops. I ride horses, and train them. I'm tough and can throw around hay bales as big as me, yet I have a figure, and my arms aren't muscle bound. I can be wild, crazy, and fun. I'm outgoing and love to party, yet I am quiet and kind and get to know a person before I judge them. is that ok, or do you like something else?

Heeyy boys?!?
Hi there,

I grew up in Texas on a farm myself, and i have to tell you that i've tried to find someone that didn't mind working alongside me most of my life. Unless you're hiding an ax-murdering past, I really can't think of how you could possibly improve on that. Good luck with it and remember the most desireable women are the ones that don't have to work at it
Reply:you sound like a nice person. good personality. personality comes first for me than looks than hobby, and if she got a job ok. but im in school so most of us dont got jobs cause were to busy with school.
Reply:I really like humility.
Reply:What makes the difference? You just need to be you and if the right guy comes along he will like you for who you are. Don't try to change to get a guy, you will be sorry later.
Reply:I first look at the girls eyes. Then the body. Then i start to talk to them to see their personality.


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