Sunday, October 11, 2009

Chipped hooves?

I have another trail ride that I need to go to tommorow and it's going to be another 6/7 hours of riding (with breaks). My horses hooves are chipped pretty bad but only on the outer most part of the hoof. He is a little tender on the trail, but only when he steps on stones. Is it a bad idea to ride him tommorow? I don't think that trail is too rocky. Also if there are any ideas as to something I can put on his hoof to protect it because he isn't shod and I can't get any hoof boots. Someone told me to wrap the hoof in Vet wrap and then duct tape over that but I think it would just wear right through. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Chipped hooves?
to help the chipped hooves you can put horseshoer's secret on them. this will help moisturize them and help restore the damage from the cracking. I have ridden my horses on many trail rides bare foot and there has been no problems. if you let your horse pick where he wants to walk so he does not get in too many rocks and you are careful with him you should not have any trouble with the trail ride.
Reply:Personally I like "EASY BOOTS" I have found them to be

great! I use them on my horse all the time and she is doing great in them! I have found them to be a little hard to get on as her hoofs grow out but they have proven to be excellant her footing is so much better than with traditional shoes she is much more sure footed and the fact that I can leave her barefoot (natural) all the time is an advantage! depending on the work you expect of your horse will determine whether he / she should be shod or not! some activities such as reining , jumping require a horse to be shod! but if you are just a pleasure rider and trail riding I would consider Boots they are great! Good luck!
Reply:no you shouldn't ride him if e is footsore why can't you get boots for him there are a lot on the market he needs them or shoes. If you carry on without either then u have to adjust your riding to compensate for his feet which means no more long rides its not fair on him
Reply:Easy boots work wonderful for these situations when hooves won't hold shoes.

However a diaper and duct tape is a quick easy fast way but you will need to replace the diaper 2x/day and make sure that the horse isn't standing in mud/water etc.
Reply:It isnt bad to ride him, but you should get shoes on him. And about the chipped hooves, pour some baby oil on them and they should be fine. If they need clipped, well, then they need clipped. It's pretty simple.
Reply:the horse really needs shoes for a 6 hour ride. vet rap and duct tape will not work. I wouldnt if i were you. my horses always turn out LAME if i go on those long trails barefoot. good luck, have fun, be careful.
Reply:You need to get him shod for rocky trail riding. However, you can buy rubber boots in the meantime.
Reply:Doesnt sound like a good idea to be riding him tomorrow on the trail. Although you may want to go, it may not be in the best interest for him. You should give him some relaxing time and work on repairing his hooves. If your going to be riding him on trails and roads, then you should seriously consider putting shoes on him. I understand dry brittle cracking hooves. One of our tbs came off of the track with quarter cracks and has really weak hooves. Thankfully our pasture also has part swamp and does alot of good for his hooves. Also putting hoof moisturizer and feeding farriers formula helps alot too.
Reply:One thing you can put on his hooves is just a hoove conditioner that you can buy at most ranch stores or horse stores and they come in a container with a brush and you can just brush it on. Pretty simple. Works great!!!


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