Sunday, October 11, 2009

Western or english?

i ride english. its funnier and im kinda a girly girl but i like sports and love aniamls!i dont like all that mess and rodeo. and there ugly boots and all that. i dont like the style but no matter wat i love the horse.jumping is funnier then barrel racing. i have only be in english. my friend has been in western but it was not really riding a horse it was camp. but she said she doesnt like it very much and want to change.i like jumping better and it really fun. what do you prefer. :) :D

Western or english?
Yea English! Let the horse be a horse, hold his head high and run like the wind! None of this wussy baby-step- hold-your-head-so-low-you-trip-over-it stuff. Besides, the tack isn't as expensive!! Go girl!

--by the mom of two hunt-jumpers
Reply:I HATE how most people have to choose one! i do 3.6 hunters and barrel racing! i LOVE both, so why do we have to choose? Report It

Reply:I love western! And no the horses do not ride so-low-with-their-heads-down-they-almost... Those are just the show people, who often ride western and english. Many western horses are far from it! Take my mare for example, she is far from being head low, and slow. You get her in the arena and she is all run! But we can turn around and take an easy bareback ride down the trail, with just a halter and a leadrope. And our boots are just fine! You must not have seen the latest boots that came out. They are awsome! Jumping has no speed, unless you are in cross-country, those people I have to give some props to! They are excellent riders. Jumpers canter around and jump jumps, big deal. I do that all the time on the trail. the horses are always on a tight rein. I hate it when people dis our sport. English riders are always so snobby to the western riders, just because they think they are better than us. Barrels is ten times more fun, we have speed, and sharp turns. We also don't have to worry about bouncing up and down in the saddle -posting, is it?- we just sit back and move with the horse. besides, what is with english riders and all that tack? they have the leather that wraps around their horses mouth to keep it closed? If your horse was any good, couldn't you just put the bridle on and trust them to keep their mouths closed on it? and if they can't then they need to be trained more. I have a horse that you can stick the bit in his mouth, without a head stall and ride him, and he won't spit it out until you put your hand under his mouth. What can you say about western if you've never tried it? at least i've tried english before judgeing it. as soon as I told people I rode barrels too they looked at me like I was some white trash. Sure we get dusty and dirty in the arena, and sometimes hot and smelly, but that is part of the true horse world. Not just showing up at the stable and riding, then going home. I bet you would get dirty too, if you cleaned out stalls, hauled hay, washed buckets, gave water, fed grain, and really worked to make your horse happy instead of letting a groom do all the work. We are happy and friendly people and look out for each other in the arena. We compete against each other, but we don't put each other down,and hate the person who won. Western saddles are way more comfortable than the english ones. Why can't they just realize that like you, it is about the horse and not the saddle? or style? sure we all have our opinions, but in the long run aren't we in it cause we love horses?

(+ we get all the cute cowboys with muscles! lol ;) )
Reply:I like english- ride dressage myself. English is usually considered more girly - which is probably why it is hard to find a guy that ride's english and isn't gay. I am sure there are some out there, but not in my state, lol.

Anyways, I do western sports as well for a change of scenery for my horse- I have entered in local speed show and barrel competitions. We are always last and have a beautiful collected uphill medium canter (I honestly don't think my horse can go any faster-even on her own), but we both have a blast.
Reply:I've ridden both ways.

I agree, english is a whole lot more fun.

%26amp; you can do a lot more things like jumping.
Reply:i enjoy both! i have done barrel racing, roping, english pleasure(western pleasure looks so fake when the horse is moving, at least my opinion), jumping, trail, and i ride polo horses for my boss. my boss also has 4 longhorns that i am training to ride. more comfortable with a western saddle on them(they make me kind of nervous. i have gotten hit in the mouth with a horn a few times when they were younger when trying to put a halter on them). we are getting camels in a few months and i guess we will have to find something else to ride them with. crazy boss has too much money and dont know what to do with it all
Reply:I ride both, and personally I like western better. My current ride is a western pleasure horse, who is BOMBPROOF on the trails. From my past experiences, I feel that western riders are more down to earth and are always the first to lend a helping hand when you need it. The english crowd around my area is so stuck up. They are always worried about who's a better rider or who has the most expensive horse. It's so relaxing to just hop on the trails without having to worry about keeping my heels down, posting to the trot, or picking up the correct lead. It's a nice change from the pressures and politics of the english show scene. Also, the western horse world is changing. It is no longer desirable to have your horse's nose to the ground pushing dirt, a more natural headset is preferred.
Reply:I prefer western and don't like people who look down on it. I am a very versatile rider but I ...I don't know, there is just something about riding a good quarter horse. Western boots aren't ugly either. So I don't know what the big issue is. I simply like western better. Give me a Quarter Horse, not a thoroughbred.
Reply:I ride both diciplines and have my whole life. While jumping(I'm a grand prix rider) is fun you can't beat the heart and love that people show you at western events. While in most english events it's considered rude or unexceptable to whoop and hollar- at western events you get the support from the crowd whether they know you or not. I love english, but you can't beat the excitement you get at a western event.

dog skin problem

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