Sunday, October 11, 2009

Time for a lame joke-See how many blank faces you get!?

A man is going through the desert on his horse. And he gets a terrible thirst. So he rides to the nearest bar, and orders a sour milk. He drinks it and all of a sudden, 2 men come up behind him with guns. He quickly takes out his pistols from his boots. *bang, bang!* The two are killed. He thanks the bartender and leaves.

He then goes back into the desert and gets another terrible thirst. So he goes to another bar, ties up his horse and asks for a drink of sour milk. And he sees 4 men with guns come up behind him. So He pulls out his pistols. *Bang, bang, bang, bang* All the men are killed. He thanks the bartender and walks out.

Later on, he was riding through the forest and got a terrible thirst, So he stops at another bar, ties up his horse and asks for a drink of sour milk. And he sees 7 people with guns come up behind him.

Time for a lame joke-See how many blank faces you get!?

A man was riding horse when he got thirsty.So he stopped at a bar,tied his horse and went to hav a drink. When he wanted to leave,he found that his horse is missing. He went back inside,took out his gun,fired a shot into the ceiling and asked,

'which one of u sidewinders stole my hoss?'

No one answered.

'alright,i'm gonna hav another beer,and if my hoss ain't back by the time i finish,i'm gonna hav to do wat i dun in Texas! And i'm tellin ya,i don't like to do wat i dun in Texas!'

He had another beer,went outside and his horse is back! So he saddles up and starts to go. The bartender came out of the bar and asked,

'say partner,before u go.....what happened in Texas?'

The man turned back and said,

'i had to walk home'.

A man has a racehorse, never won a race. Man in disgust says," Horse, you win today or you pull a milk wagon tomorrow morning." The starting gate opens, the horses take-off, they move the gate away and there lays his horse asleep on the track. He kicks the horse and asks, "WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING. The horse, half asleep says, "I have to get up at three in the morning."

nice one...
Reply:That was hilarioius!!!!!!!!!! Star!
Reply:i dont get it... either of them..
Reply:sorry chickl... dunt get it.


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