Sunday, October 11, 2009

Motorcycle Question?

Hey guys. Im turning 15 and a half in like am month and I still have in mind of getting a motorcycle. I am planning on getting a secondhand old Ninja 250 or a low-powered cruiser. It doesn't matter wether its Sportbike, Standard, or Cruiser. I just want to be able to ride on 2 wheels, who cares what people think. So I know people say it's dangerous but I'm taking the MSF course before I beggin riding. Also, I have 14 days of non stop riding a Semi-Automatic motorcycle in Mexico. My uncle let me borrow his and it was a blast. Does it count as Motorcycle expirience at all? And is this any help or was it just 14 days of waste that won't help my motorcycling life. O one last thing I plan on getting full face helmet, jackets,gloves,boots and etc. Where do I need to go to get my permit? Im in California. Thanks. All your responses are helpful

Motorcycle Question?
Sounds like you're good to go kid.

And ANY riding you do on ANY motorcycle counts as experience.

Riding IS dangerous. But so is driving an auto, cliff diving, sky diving, walking across the street. Life itself is dangerous. Minimising the danger is our job. Taking the MSF class is your first step in that direction. Getting the proper riding gear is your 2nd step. I would say you are headed exactly right.

The little Ninja 250 is a great starter bike by the way. My 15-year-old kid has one and loves it. I've gotten that little baby Ninja to over 100MPH on the freeway too.
Reply:Hi I am in California also.

If you are taking the msf course you will be riding soon.

I too started with a Ninja 250 and they are great bikes to start on.

Insurance is the lowest on those bikes.

On the Ninja 250 just make sure you always have tire pressure at the maximum pressure but not over. A little under is ok but its safer to ride it at maximum psi.

To check the tire pressure you need look on the side wall of the tire and you'll see the words MAX COLD PSI 28 for example. Or 32 or some number. All tires are different but lets say its 32 for example. This means that when you check the tire pressure in the morning after its been sitting without being ridden for a while..the tires will be COLD and willgive you an accurate reading.

Don't check them when warm after riding as the reading will be off.

You will find that the tire pressure on the Ninja 250 really affects how well it handles. Check it every 3 days or 4 days etc..

In California you need to do two things to ride.

1. Pass the written test

2. Pass the msf test or take the driving test at dmv

The dmv driving test is hard and most folks fail it. However the good news is when you take the msf you can SKIP the dmv test. However make sure you pay attention and practice real good on the riding practice you get at msf. I didn't know this and after we were done they tested us on our skills!

They don't mention this when you go there but you will be tested on your riding skills and you will pass..don't worry but pay attention to what they say and how to do it.

You don't ride fast at all just really slow in a parking lot so anybody can pass it.

So heres what happens. Right now you want to go take your written test and take your time doing it. You have to do that at dmv no matter what. Call dmv before you go in and ask them what you need to bring in to take it. Sometimes an adult is needed there to sign if you are under 16 or 18 can't remember.

Now what happened with me is I took the written at dmv first and they said I could ride already! I didnt' know that but they let you ride but only in day time and not on freeways but it was cool to be able to ride!

So take the written test right away if you haven't then when you pass the msf school which you will for sure, the msf school gives you a CERTIFICATE or paper that shows you passed. You then take that to dmv and show it to them and you are 100% complete ready to roll.

I would call dmv first though to ask them what the requirements are. Remember if you go to msf you can skip the dmv test and also it helps lower your insurance rates.

As far as where to get a ninja 250 check out as they are lower cost there. is more pricey plus its hard to find one in your area.

So go to then click the state you are in. Then click the city you are near. Then click MOTORCYCLES and you can type in NINJA 250 and you'll see a lot there very inexpensive.

For gear however I have found is good but more are available on

When getting gear start with helmet then get a jacket with ce armor. Then get pants with ce armor at least in the knees. Get the gear in that order. Gloves you can get right away don't get cloth as you know get textile or leather.

I got a helmet believe it or not, at pep boys really cheap and pretty stylish its a BELL brand helmet. If you are at pep boys auto you can see them there.

Do not get a helmet online as you must try it on. So for that try to go to pep boys as the motorcycle dealers are a rip off.

Or buy one online if they have a money back gaurantee where you can switch sizes. Or first go to motorcycle dealer and try on the brand you want there and when you know what size fits, then buy it online in that size and brand.

Shoes should be high top boots or the kind you can even get at walmart that are like workbooks they look good and not hundreds of dollars and have steel toe etc.
Reply:For all of your licensing questions -

You've got a good 14 days of learning experience.

You understand the throttle, front %26amp; rear brakes, how to turn, how to stay on 2 wheels without falling, you can probably ride a bike without thinking about what you're doing.

Now you just need to learn to shift gears, use the clutch and defensive riding techniques.

Have fun!

I am really excited for you! I have read the other answers and nobody mentioned the "fit" of the motorcycle. I am 5' 7", and the main concern when I was choosing a bike was the seat height. Make sure you are comfortable sitting in the bike at a stop. Make sure both feet are flat on the ground so you can balance it easily. Some of the ninja type bikes have a 30" seat ht. Both of my current bikes are cruisers and have a seat ht. of 27" or less.

Riding a motorcycle is probably the most fun I have ever had. I have met some of the best people on motorcycles. Take it easy at first and let the skills develop over time. Most of all, have fun.

Good Luck to you!


Good luck %26amp; stay safe...
Reply:taking a msf course is not going to give you the skill you need to stay alive. i have been riding i California all my life and it is the most dangerous state to ride in. riding your uncles bike in mexico was fun i am sure but it is not going to help you get you get a permit or a license in california. you need to go to the department of motor vehicles in your local area.


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