Sunday, October 11, 2009

How come no one talks about pants?

A lot about jackets, some about boots and gloves but nary a mention about armored pants. Is it that riding pants are'nt fashionable enough? I don't think I've seen many worn. While I'm here, do you get many waves from Goldwing riders? Do they think their in a class by themselves?

How come no one talks about pants?
Armored pants are very important. Most really debilitating injuries that happen on a bike happen to either the head or the the lower parts of the body (below the waist). I wear HJC leather pants with CE armor. I think pants aren't a big topic of conversation because they're inconvenient to wear and tend not to be flattering. A leather jacket and jeans looks "cool". Protective pants tend to look like unfashionable.

BTW: Most Goldwingers are older and probably can't see you waving at them. Try honking and bouncing instead. ;-)
Reply:Good question.

On one trip to the HD dealer, I asked.

"You have an awful lot of nice jackets, better than this one, even (my own). But I don't see ANY with the matching pants."

The lady at the counter said that there wasn't much market for them. People just don't seem interested. She did say "We should have some anyway" and proceeded to order a pair in my size, even though I didn't want to buy any then.

I get waves from all the Goldwing riders.

Thing is, there's only one left around here.

And he works where I do.
Reply:Good question I think pants are very important and I don't know why folks don't talk about them?

I have heard of folks riding on the freeway without armor pants and a piece of Semi truck tire flew up and cut the guys leg almost off because the steel in the tire tread.

The guy I bought my bike from was showing me his leg and when he pulled up his pant leg it was slid down to the veins and stuff it was gross.

After that I went out and bought some armor pants. I suggest getting them 1 size too big so you can wear regular pants under neath and if you go to work or if you go out you can take the bike pants off and just have your pants under the bike pants.
Reply:I wear them myself. It may just be that jeans are more rugged than T-shirts so some people think they don't need heavier clothes there.
Reply:I ALWAYS ride with pants and a helmet.
Reply:I wear Olympia Airglide pants. Very well ventilated for summer, has a removeable liner for winter, has armor in the knees %26amp; hips %26amp; reflective stripes/"piping" for being seen at night. Way better than the jeans I used to wear.
Reply:Damn, I was really hoping your question was going to end there, but NO, you had to add additional details so that it made sense.

Where's your whimsy, man?

My opinion is that people don't bother with special pants because they figure the rest of it is enough. Although I'm all about the safety, I do wish I could go without gloves, helmet and jacket. If I had to add pants to the list of crap I need to put on before going out, I think I might consider a safer hobby.

As for the Wingers, I haven't noticed. I stopped obsessing over the wave thing a while back. Not to mention I'm not sure I'd be able to recognize a gold wing if one passed by going the other direction.
Reply:I've always used jeans, and when the weather gets cold, i Use a lap apron on my bike or the ol' Pajamas under the jeans trick. I don't go to track meets or anything of the like. I am a casual rider.
Reply:I think it is because you can go to work, the gym or wherever and take off your jacket. Unless you are out for just a ride and not going anywhere else most people don't want to wear special pants. As far as the Goldwing question, how about we don't spread anymore prejudice than there already is in the world. I really don't care who waves and who doesn't and I don't care what anyone else rides, how often they ride or in what conditions they ride. None of us are above anyone else out there.
Reply:I think KB2002 pretty much hit it on the head on both counts...I wear jeans and chaps when it's cool far as any and all protective gear, I wear as much as I can stand to have for Goldwingers, I find they wave as much as anyone else...not everyone who rides is friendly and some newer riders are not that confident anyway..."Judge not lest ye be judged"...think I read that somewhere in a big, thick leatherbound book...k ;o)
Reply:I've got 3 different pairs of riding pants. 1 leather, 1 textile, 1 vented. I'd like to add a pair of draggin' jeans or something similar, for a little more 'sleath' look around town.

Pants come in two different styles - 'Overpants' - these are purposefully oversized to fit over regular pants. 'Fitted' pants are worn alone.

If I only could have one pair of pants, I'd choose my FirstGear Textile pants. They're waterproof, warm to about 40 degrees, and comfortable.
Reply:well i think that most people don't talk about that b/c it is just not a intersting subject. now there is more to talk about then pants. maybe a lot of pants look the same unlike boots or jackets where they r very different.
Reply:Good question. I can't find any that fit off the shelf. I have to custom order (I'm too short). My husband has both armored pants (that zip to his jacket) and Dragon jeans. He says the armored pants are more comfortable.
Reply:i wear draggin jeans


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