Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wierd freaky thing happened, opinions?

this thing happened to both me and my cousin we were both riding our fourwheelers in completely different cities 250 miles apart. we were riding around the same time of day, around the same day. so, we were riding on new trails and stuff and we were both looking down and we looked up and we saw the same man. he was wearing a red plaid shirt, blue jeans, a belt, and boots, but we both didnt get a chance to see his head because we sped out of the trails we were in back to our houses. she lives in atlanta, and i in tallahassee. we're 1st cousins, and 2 years apart and we are the only ones of the 7 1st cousins who really understand the death of our grandfather, except for one other cousin. he hasnt seen it yet. we were born on the same day a year apart and im older(me and the other cousin). any ideas?? why?? who?? the man sort of resembled our grandfather who died in 2000. help?!?!

Wierd freaky thing happened, opinions?
it's a very good chance it was your grandfather. since time and space are no longer valid concepts to the dead, he can appear to both of you at the same moment. either that, or there is someone who is somehow connected to the both of you that is in some sort of personal danger.
Reply:it was your grandpa. I've had "visits" from my father in dreams. I know what you mean when you say you turn around and he's gone.
Reply:this man is not your grandfather, but a relative of his, and is trying to tell you of a jar, its a glass jar, not sure what is in it but is valuable and your grandfather hid this jar. Among the valuables in the jar is a piece of jewelry, it belonged to someone of importance maybe? your grandfather maybe buried the jar and forgot where he buried it, or was unable to return to spot he buried it in?
Reply:Could of been the same guy could have been your grandfather or it might have been just a guy who looked liked the person you described and she also saw a person that looke like your description and agreed coincidence maybe maybe not.
Reply:u see dead ppl
Reply:well i say it could be an angel
Reply:It may have been a ghost, but you must remember that a lot of people wear blue jeans, a lot of men wear belts, and a lot of men out on trails in the woods wear boots and red flannel shirts. You said that you didn't get a good look at his head, so it may have just been a hiker with a similar taste in clothes to that of your grandfather.

I'm sorry if you want to be told that it was your grandfather, but I'm just trying to give you a logical alternative.
Reply:well I think personally he came to visit you.

both of you.
Reply:ur grandfather probably just appeared


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