Friday, November 6, 2009

What do you do when police harass you 4 over ten years,plus,extort,falsely ac use,and judges back them up.?

police ann arbor,washtenaw county.ypsilanti,and packard,have given me $20,000 plus,in driving tickets.repeatedly pull me over,15 times a month,in ten years.i quit driving and started walking,yes tickets walking.6years i rode a mountain bike,and yes tickets.3no head light ,ridding on the wrong side of rode 3am,making right turn in left lane,2 running red light,4 different mountain bikes,took by police,and even my timberlin boots on christmass night in michigan was taken,and was made to walk in the night barefoot in the cold wet all this is recent. i am not a criminal nor ever was or will be.they follow me when i go to work tell my employers to fire me.i had more guns pointed in my face by police and i ask if i am violated,then when do i get to fight for my life .and can i declare war on a county who chooses to end my life,when every day i try live to make a life .

What do you do when police harass you 4 over ten years,plus,extort,falsely ac use,and judges back them up.?
I'm guessing that your life is a never ending effort to piss people off. I suspect you can't go 5 minutes without deliberately trying to piss someone off.

And yes, you sound like a criminal to me.
Reply:Like the police have nothing better to do than just harass you. Obviously you just can't stop breaking the law.

Funny, I never have these problems....oh wait! I don't break the law! AMAZING!
Reply:Well, did you/were you breaking laws when they stopped you? Some of the things you listed for the mountain bike ARE in fact illegal. If they cite you for something, get it up to law specifics (get the light, etc.).

If you feel you are being wronged, I would speak to a lawyer. Or maybe contact the ACLU. But otherwise, you really need to follow the laws.

For the car: if you are a known speeder, and a cop runs your plates and finds that out, of course they are going to pull you over and cite you for speeding (if you are even a little). They sit in traffic and randomly run plates for a reason.

For the bike: All that you listed, you were breaking the law. You on a bike have most of the same laws as a car. You have to have lights on the bike for night riding, you have to ride on the side with traffic, not into oncoming traffic, and you have to make turns in the proper lanes of traffic. If you are in the left turn lane, you must turn left. If you were in a car, you would have to - why is a bike different?? And on a bike you do have to stop at all red lights. I had a friend stopped on his mountain bike for speeding (in a posted 25 mph zone). You HAVE to follow the traffic laws on ANY vehicle - bike, motorcycle, scooter, car, truck, etc.

Personally (and I know I don't know all of the facts - so don't send me any nastygrams about it) from what you listed here, you are just an unlucky law breaker that always gets caught. But if you feel wronged, call a lawyer. Be ready to prove your accusations.
Reply:Evidently they feel that you have been doing bad things and continue to catch you doing wrong. Maybe you should familiarize yourself to the laws in your area before doing anything. Riding the wrong way on a road can get you killed, driving erratically or speeding will get you pulled over as well as operating a vehicle with unsafe equipement. You may be stretching your suspicions abit by thinking they ended your job. You probably violated a few rules there too.
Reply:A.C.L.U. is a good start
Reply:Move to Mayberry! Andy and I wouldn't treat you like that!
Reply:Get evidence, document it heavily, get as many eyewitnesses or video tapes as you can where they are cleary committing the said accusations.

Then contact Internal affairs.
Reply:If you are serious about this. Get people to follow you and record these occurrences...something does not sound right. Either you are lie or you are doing something to attract their attention that causes them to do this.
Reply:I'd move or stop violating laws!
Reply:Well, if you keep breaking the law, then yes, you are a criminal. It might come as a shock to you, but something as simple as running a red light, IS against the law. If you break the law, technically, that makes you a criminal.

It sounds to me like all the tickets you've been given have been justified from what you've said. I can't figure out why they would take your boots though.

I have a suggestion: Learn your rights. That's a great place to start. Get your butt in a college classroom teaching Constitutional Law.

Also, stop breaking the law. When the police stop you, be polite. Your attitude makes a difference in your interaction with police. The police CANNOT stop you without reasonable suspicion that a crime has occured, is about to occur or is occurring. 15 times in a month leads me to believe that you are probably a bad driver. I would also venture to guess that you live in a small town. A very small town. But 1800 times? You're trying to tell us that you were pulled over 1800 times in 10 years? And you didn't do anything wrong? Do you have proof that they are telling your employer to fire you? If so, take it to your county prosecutor, along with your other complaints.

I find your story highly exaggerated and very difficult to believe. My guess is that your interaction with police is brought on by yourself. Behave yourself and you should be fine. YES, when you're on a bike you still have to obey the traffic laws!
Reply:You don't deny doing these things. I mean, if you turned left from the right hand lane at 3am, that is a ticket able offense.

How many DUI's???
Reply:Welcome to every black mans reality.


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