Friday, November 6, 2009

I am torn about being vegetarian?

I have always been told meat is good and healthy... Meat has always been involved in every meal but recently, I became a vegetarian. I just felt it was right for me... All of my family eats meat, though, and sometimes it is hard to eat around them because I have to bring my own food. My mother feels I am harming my body, and often breaks down and cries. Even going to a restaurant with family is difficult. Everyone urges me to eat meat, and tells me I am stupid... I do not have any support or respect whatsoever and it starts to make me doubt myself.

Another problem I have is my tack. I ride horses and all of my tack is leather; my english saddle, bridle, paddock boots, tall boots, gloves, half chaps... There are synthetic versions of these things, but it would cost a lot of money to replace everything.

I do not want to eat meat again, but it is just so hard not having any support or someone to tell you you're not crazy, as my family seems to think I am. What should I do?

I am torn about being vegetarian?
Vegans eat no animal products what so ever and use no animal derived products in their lifestyle but vegetarians only eat products from live animas - honey, yeast, butter, dairy, milk, eggs etc. And pesco vegetarians eat fish and vegetables. There are many reasons for becoming a vegetarian and one of those is the fact its a healthier life style choice. Secondly by not eating meat one decreases the demand of slain animals, and that has to be a good thing. A Vegan lifestyle is very restrictive but being a vegetarian is quite easy.

Also vegetarians have a terrible time eating out but sometimes you have to do the best you can. There is always salad, bread, and soup usually without meat in it and pasta restraunts always have a vegetarian choice. I also sugest you join a vegetarian support group or become a member of the vegetarian society. stick to you convictions its hard but just stay with it. Good luck.

its very hard eating out and its very hard dealing with family members that are absolutely convinced that meat is best and provides for a well balanced diet. The fact is that Cholesterol (which is only found in animal products) and high levels of saturated fats have been linked with heart disease. Removing animal products from your diet, or reducing your consumption of them, can considerably reduce your chances of developing heart-related problems. Reducing your consumption of animal products can also help reduce the probability of developing certain forms of cancer. For instance, studies have shown that vegetarians have up to 40% less chance of developing bowel cancer. With heart disease and cancer being the leading causes of death in western countries, the importance of reducing our consumption of meat and animal products cannot be underestimated.

I think one of the issues here is that your family dont understand about being vegetarian and therefore dont respect your decision. You ill need to be very strong and state that you have decided to be a vegetarian and therefore you request their respect to your decision. Also education is great - and maybe reading up on all the information about a well balanced diet is really important. There are some great web cites on the internet but I would recommend staring with the Vegetarian Society. The recipes are superb.
Reply:That was a long way to ask yourself one question.

"Do you want to eat meat?

If you want to eat meat, eat it. It should not be like smoking. You shouldn;t need a support team. In addition and just as an FYI, the benefits of vegetarianism are still unproven. Doctors still recommend a balanced diet which contains meat. If you stick with it, make sure you get your B vitamains as you can;t process protein without them.

If you are worried about animal cruelty,I won;t try to talk to you out of that one.

Good luck.
Reply:don't worry about anyone other than yourself right now, you're doing what you think is right and that's all that matters. let your mother know that even though you aren't getting protein from meat, you're looking into protein alternatives, like tofu, to make sure you stay healthy. if i was you, i would sit down and have a serious discussion with your family about this! let them know how you feel and tell them that this is who you are and you're not going to change. ever. tell them they need to respect that if they really respect you. i hope all goes well with you! peace (:
Reply:If YOU want it, go for it. It's your life, and you have to live it the way you want. Don't eat meat just because your family wants it.

It's your body, and the food you put in it should be your own personal business. You can't please everyone, you have to please yourself.

It must be hard without family support. But everyone will get over it eventually, because they love you. Get some research about the foods you need to get protein, and sit your mother down when she's in a calm mood, and show her how you will be healthy.

When eating with your family, DONT make a big deal about not eating meat. If someone puts meat on your plate, don't whine or complain, just don't eat it. And you can't try to convince your family to become vegetarian too.

I mean, i don't know if you are doing these things, but these things do sometimes happen that make meat-eaters upset. And understandably so. Just make sure you show respect for their choices too.

(and for the riding equipment, just the next time you are buying a new saddle (or w/e), buy a synthetic one if you want. Just get new ones when you need them.)

Ok, eat healthy, I hope things get better, and good luck!
Reply:First of as a fellow newer vegetarian I do own many leather goods. I have acquired these over the years and do not feel guilty for owning them.

Second, it's terribly unfortunate that your family is unsupportive. They should respect your wishes and not try to force you to adhere to theirs. Most people are of the belief that veg or vegans do not get enough, nutrients. This is simply untrue, if you eat a wide variety of veg foods you can be very healthy and live a long prosperous life.

It sounds as though your family could benefit from a heart-to-heart where you explain to them that you are not going to live your life to please them in the case, and that they need to back off. Be forceful if you have to.

Last, You are NOT crazy at all.

Once they see you're determined they will get over it. Best of luck to you, you can do it!
Reply:Well, being a veg I dont support you throwing ANY of your tack away because then that is just a waste of the animal, and then what did they die for in the first place? I would just recommend that if any pieces wear out, then you replace then gradually with the synthetic version.

You are not alone in that you feel so alone around your family being a veg. I am the only veg in a family full of grunting meat eaters (my mother was a veg until she met my father even!! and she STILL gives me a hard time about it!!). It is always going to be a royal pain in the @$$ but you just have to shut their comments down with..when I am 90 and healthy, I will be pushing your wheelchairs...come up with some smart comments and they will shut up and think about least for a little while. As long as you are getting all your nutrients you are fine...just print out a vegetarian food pyramid, stick it in your purse or bag and then when they say something..pull it out and start naming off all the nutrients you have gotten for the day and then turn to them and ask, "how many of your 5 fruits AND veg have you eaten today hmmmmmm?!" Believe me, they will have to stop and think. And even though its really easy to feel guilty when your mom cries, this is something you are doing for yourself and sometimes moms just have to step back and knock off the mom stuff.

Just buy leather alternatives as they wear out.

Don't let your mother influence your decision by acting unnecessarily dramatic. Research the subject so that if she can actually talk to you about it without criticizing your decision you can explain that there are no more risks to a veg diet than an omni diet. Start by learning your new Four Food Groups

If they call you stupid for your decision, they don't even deserve a response until they can apologize.


If you are a lacto-ovo vegetarian, the transition should be quite simple. Almost all meats have widely available commercial replacements. All that you have to do is replace any flesh in your diet (beef, pork, poultry, seafood) with meat analogs or just leave it out altogether.

Because you are young it is not necessary but you should keep in mind that a journey such as this can be quite short but should just be the beginning of a longer one to a plant-based diet with no animal products. This is because of the reality of factory farming in which animals that are kept alive to produce milk, eggs, etc suffer much more and longer than animals that are raised to a certain weight and then slaughtered.

Some people use the word "vegan" in reference to this idea, but be aware that that applying that label to yourself should always come with the inclusion of wise activism and advocacy.

Two extremely important examples of this are that you should never speak to someone about vegetarianism/veganism without their consent and genuine interest or as a comment on what they are eating AND your dietary beliefs should never be used as an introduction or explanation of who you are as a person. Veg*ism should be something that comes up AFTER people get to know you and they offer you a situation that makes it confusing to withhold the information/dicussion. Also, if you are presented something that you choose not to eat or you are

ordering food/eating together somewhere/picking the best place to eat.

When you you hold off on the subject until it's necessary and then act like it isn't a big deal at all, people are usually surprised and WAY more interested and curious than if you were to bring it up when someone's eating or just using it as a conversation starter.

Just to clear things up, the vegetarian/vegan diet is not composed of salads, vegetables, fruit and fake meat.

A balanced plant-based diet includes grains(breads, pasta, rice,cereal), legumes(soy, beans, peas, lentils), fruit and vegetables.

Being vegan can be an art, one whose challenge is to take things that involve the suffering of the innocent and change them into something free of cruelty.

A vegan woman can create an ENTIRELY NEW,HEALTHY HUMAN BEING INSIDE OF HER. Many of these children stay vegan and grow up to be perfectly healthy adults. So just keep yourself educated about what you eat and don't let anyone tell you that a veg diet is lacking anything essential.

Technically the term "vegetarian" does imply that you don't consume anything that comes from the body of an animal that requires killing it. Many ingredients such as gelatin and glycerin are found in many candies, Fig-Newtons, and many of other foods as well as rennet found in many cheeses.

The best thing to remember is to take your time so that for example: when you are comfortable not eating beef and pork you can then give up chicken when you are sure you can make the commitment permanently.

Depending on your age or reliance on parents or regional options, it may not be best to give yourself a label. The important thing is to do your best to make progress and be committed to your compassion towards animals. Never put your focus onto what you or other people use to describe yourself.

If you meet someone that talks down to people for eating meat, dairy, etc or to you because they think they are "more veg" than you, laugh in their face and tell them they are a disgrace to the entire philosophy. People like this only hurt the idea of veg*ism AND the animals. The point of all of this is to live compassionately and and as free from cruelty as you can, all the while maintaining your health and a positive attitude. People who don't maintain either, need not open their mouths and represent our beliefs.

If you actually choose to read all of this, I hope it helps. If not, feel free to e-mail me if you have questions.


I'm vegan and these are some of my favorite things to eat:

Breakfast: bananas, cream of wheat with brown sugar and soy butter, cereal, pancakes or french toast with real maple syrup, vegan "sausage" patties, smoothies.

Lunch: VEGAN "SAUSAGE" SANDWICHES, sandwiches with vegan deli slices(Tofurkey is the only one that's kinda funky), fruit, dinner leftovers, couscous salad, vegan sushi, potato or pasta salad.

Dinner: sloppy joes, "sausage" and gravy with homemade biscuits, Spaghetti and Trader Joe's "meatballs" or TVP, lasagna, Thai pad see ew, pad khi mao(drunkard's noodles), pad prig king, tofu+eggplant with basil sauce, yellow thai curry with tofu or vegan chikn and veggies and jasmine rice, Indian dal with homemade roti or dosai, channa masala, aloo gobi, vegetable or minestrone soup, pizza, STEAMED "PORK" BUNS with potstickers or spring rolls, sweet%26amp;sour/orange/lemon chikn, vegan pho or wonton soup

I use these sites to find recipes:
Reply:I dont eat meat either because the meat factories dorp meat on the floor and pick it up and put it back with all the other good meat which mixes up all the gurmsin all the meat so if you grow your own veggies and eat thoes you know what you are putting in your body
Reply:Dont' worry, you have a lot of support from people on here. You have to learn to ignore or remove yourself from stressful situations. When I first became a vegetarian my family did the same thing and I simply left the room or took a walk and came home to eat when everyone was done. It will take time for your family to get used to you eating differently but once they see you are healthy and happy they will realize that it's not bad and will back off. As for the horese riding I would suggest that for now you use what you have. There is nothing you can do now to re-write what was done to make the leather but in the future when it comes time to replace those things opt for the synthetics.
Reply:I understand not having support, but eventually your family will respect you, if you prove to them that you can do it.

However, I would advise you to keep your tack until it is completly worn out, and then when you have to buy new stuff, try to get half synthetic, half real. Then switch to all synthetic, even if it takes a long time.
Reply:alot of people go thru what you are going through. I did and I stand tall and proud for being a vegan. In time others will accept and understand. As for the leather keep what you have, don't buy anymore of it. It's ok to have what you do have, don't through it out.
Reply:you have to do what you feel is right!! my sister, who by the way is 11, just decided to be a vegetarian too. We tried to tell her that she needs the protein but she stuck to it. With the horses I would say keep the things b/c you bought it before deciding to be a vegetarian. If it will cost to much either don't change it or just put money aside each month and then eventually get new things. I may not be a vegetarian but I still know that you have to do what feels right. Good luck!!
Reply:This is what you should do; Read "Skinny ******" and you will know with out a doubt you are not crazy for giving up meat.

I recently converted to Vegan - and as far as leather goes, I have descided that if I already own it then I will keep it. But in the future I will not financially support the leather industry. I think that is a good realistic approach to that problem.
Reply:i understand completly how you feel my faimly thinks i am stupid and just being a truble maker and just being stuborn because i dont want to eat meat but my mom has come around and when she makes stuff for dinner she will also make somthing i can eat like example tonight when had beans and hotdogs and she made me biskets and gravy but other then that my dad is always saying stuff about it but thats just the way he is hopefully they or atleast one of them will come around if you want some one to talk to you can email me at because i would also love to have some one to talk about it with and would happily be an open ear so message me when ever u would like!!
Reply:Here's a little help, BTW I'm a meat eater and I don't think you're crazy, just making a lifestyle choice. We all make em all the time.

Best of luck I hoped I helped.
Reply:Look, you are only a victim to your family for so long. One day, you are going to wake up, and be on your own, and no one will be giving you trouble about not eating meat day in and day out, just the occasional botherers....

We ALL know what it is like not to have support, but no great revolution was ever started by someone who was passionate about something leaping into it and having a ton of support, especially when it is something like meat-eating, a horribly controversial subject.

As for your tack - leather is wrong, I wouldn't buy it. But sometimes veganism can interfere with your life. If you can't afford new 'effects' for your hobby, don't force yourself into debt to replace them. Make it a goal to slowly replace each item, you don't want to get crazy really fast, let it be a careful, gradual transition you will feel good about.

Your mom cries because you don't eat meat because she is horribly undereducated on vegetarianism and since you have proved you care about what she thinks by posting here, you should put some effort into researching it for her and presenting it professionally to her (like in school, in a binder, a report ect.) Don't doubt yourself because of your family. I love my family but I have to keep in mind they have less in common with me and my views than even my friends, because you can't choose your family.

Good luck and peace and love to you and your family!
Reply:You know what? Owning leather has nothing to do with eating meat. You owned it BEFORE you went V, so it doesn't matter. i am not tossing out my leather jacket or three pairs of suede shoes - them things cost serious bucks - and i love them. Just take comfort in the fact that, at least more of the animal was being used instead of wasted :-)
Reply:Do what I do. Eat a little meat once in a while. We are all hypocrites here. I even have a leather billfold. Hope this helps.
Reply:I was a veg for 8 years because of my love fo animals. this was before everyone was carb crazy, so all i ate was pasta. 30 pounds later... my senior year of college i lived with a bunch of guys who would cook crazy meals after a night of drinking. one night they made BLTs. after smelling the bacon, i ate a piece and have been eating meat ever since... i often think, "what was i thinking all of those years?"

im not against being a veg, but i think eating meat is the way to go. you can show you love for animals in other ways like i do... donate to your local aspca.


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