Friday, March 12, 2010

Rubbish on TV.?

Is anyone else fed up with the absolute dross that the main channels are airing? If it's not reality TV programs it's car boot sale, property selling/buying, celebrity love island/big brother/dancing/singing/ ice-skating/horse riding/ fat club/get me outta here. Is the intellect in the UK really so low that we're happy with this constant bombardment of low-grade programming? What about the TV license - isn't it about time it was done away with in favour of a fairer system where we don't have to pay for something we don't want to watch as we do with the other TV channels?

Rubbish on TV.?
no one is making you watch it

you have the power to turn off the TV and do something else
Reply:thank you for seeing i'm right

we all have the power to do other things then watch the bull on tv

hope you have a great day

god bless Report It

Reply:Yes I agree, the number of repeats shown is a joke. And we pay so much for the honour of seeing programmes shown a zillion times before too.

Sky World + TV Licence = no money in bank.
Reply:More variety or just more of the same?

Big brother 1 aired, did well because it WAS a new idea. Same went for Survivor. Bootsale challenge did well the first time around because, again, it was a new idea.

The new ideas were copied as the originals did well and this was ok for a while but now its dry and tired.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Little known fact - the tv licence only pays for the BBC channels. ITV, C4 etc are paid for by sponsorship and adverts.
Reply:Yes you are right their are to many reality show.
Reply:i full of rubbish
Reply:I agree, I really don't like anything on network tv anymore. All those reallity shows are just people arguing and whining. But some people like it or it wouldn't be on. Maybe I'm just getting old.

I'm in the U.S., I think Simon Cowell is trying to take over : )
Reply:Absolutely. When my TV licence is due to be renewed I am not going to bother and when I go to Court and the judge says why haven't you bought a new TV Licence I am going to tell him that I am using my old one from last year as a repeat
Reply:I dont own a tv, havent in 4 ish years, dont miss it, listen to bbc streaming comedy alot and read, and talk to the wife. Just take the step, and unplug your tv, and make the descision, that you can go without it for 2 weeks. Hopefully, this will be enough time for you to get over it and find something else to do, instead of slowly rotting.

The show big brother was the final straw for me, the day i saw it, then looked in the paper, and saw how much it was on, is the day i gave my tv to an enemy.. well wouldnt give to a friend.
Reply:I have given up on the T.V. in favour of the "answers" thing.

And I am in danger of giving up on the "answers" if we can't get the rubbish off here.

Anyway to answer your question Yes I am really fed up with all the rubbish, my library book is an option which competes with "answers".

I don't resent the licence fee as it brings me reliable news on Radio 3 at 07.00. (After that the spin doctors have got to it)

News 24 is also pretty good if something important is going on.

The BBC is still holding out against Political Interference
Reply:Wow!! Excellent spelling, grammar and subject. If you do this for awhile you'll find that it's hard to find.

What slays me is that the "dross" you so perfectly described has been shipped "across the pond" and WE are being bombarded with it. Thank you Simon Cowell, et al. I think this is England's revenge for our winning the Revolution.

Yes - the intelligence factor is in play. I think the networks think that the more they "dumb down" their audience the more b.s. they can feed us and we will actually believe it. Unfortunately, they're correct. Most people prefer to watch third rate celebrities fumble around a dance floor than watch a documentary of any kind, or an actual series that requires you to THINK.

I actually have the BBC in my car, as well as NPR, Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. I figure if I listen/watch them all, I'll eventually obtain a reasonable approximation of the "truth."
Reply:I agree you forgot to mention football and golf snooker etc.,

Reply:why dont you try the OFF switch ?
Reply:I agree with you 101% sweetheart.
Reply:Ive personally never really liked that many programmes on TV.

If you are watching English TV you could try looking out for some of the advertising. (I'm not really refering to the ones with jokes.)

I think they may have been some of the best things on television.
Reply:We tend to stick with BBC2 or Channel 4. Can't stand the brain dead nonsense on ITV and BBC1 seems to pander to the lowest common denominator.
Reply:Nice rant! Thanks I enjoyed that. AND they've axed TOTP; is nothing sacred?
Reply:Find something else worthwhile to do!
Reply:totally agree, the only thing i actually enjoy watching on TV these days is lost, i cant stand they fake "celebrity" programmes and all that rubbish. Oh yeah and the Simpsons...always love the Simpsons, that and lost and thats it!
Reply:We have got Sky and I resent paying the TV license as we hardly ever watch Terrestrial TV. On the whole it is such a load of shite.
Reply:I agree with you totally. There's nothing really educational and upbuilding anymore on television. Even the cartoon are getting too "adult" for children to watch.
Reply:personally i hate all those cash in the attic or selling houses type progs, hate bb. the only reality i watch is get me out of here and i confess to watching the original reality show remember the one with ben fogle on it on an island off scotland? tv license is a joke that just isnt funny anymore. i miss shows like cracker and the dramas that used to be on bbc on sunday nights like sex drugs and fish and chips(?) would lov eto see more original british dramas and quality documentaries and did enjoy big cat week but hate eastenders these days
Reply:That's the reason I'm on here so much, it's better than watching 'nothing' on tv.
Reply:I agree. All those reality TV shows are just cheap television that want to turn the nation into voyers. When I come home from work the last thing I want to do is sit in my house watching people sit in a house.

They will turn peoples brains to mush.

I have a theory that daytime television is made to drive the nation out to work.
Reply:Try I Claudius on BBC 4 i know its not a main channel but its bloody good. Mind you it is 30 years old.
Reply:The BEEB has to follow guidelines set by the govt in order to use the TV license money. Those guidelines were recently up for renewal and the "dumbing down factor" was addressed.

There willl be changes in the future.

Reality/ celebrity OUT

Drama/factual docus IN

In the mean time read a book!
Reply:you should be able to edit the channels on your tv, delete the channels with you remote/setup option, there wont be many left though ; -)
Reply:Far too many of the following:

1. "Reality" TV - just what is "reality" for most people?

2. "Celebrity" this that and the other - None of the "contestants" are "celebrities" anyway

3. Soaps

4. Cookery/House/DIY/Auction/Car Boot programmes

We need more:

Football on terrestrial channels (I'm too tight to pay for Sky Sports!)

Decent drama series/one-offs (Prime Suspect, Wire in the Blood etc.)

Home-made comedies (Where are the programmes to rival Fawlty Towers, Only Fools %26amp; Horses etc.)

If we must import American series, then more of stuff like CSI, Prison Break and Supernatural - no more cr*p like Sex and the City and Friends (OK so these have both finished - but you get my drift!)

And my pet hate - all that American drivel that passes for children's TV usually on Nickelodeon and similar channels! I'd love to be able to delete these channels from my Sky package!
Reply:i know what u mean i have sky and can watch over 500 channels but have to pay 100 of them but they are boring too the only ones are entertaining is sky one,sky movies and the music channels thats it
Reply:LOL your a brit thats ok my mom is. But yes there is trash on tv, all these reaity shows. Greys anotomy has people making out. For goods sake its a docter show.
Reply:reduce the television licence
Reply:telly is boring these days, i thank god i have sky one for the simpsons (never boring) and sky sports for the occsasionall footy game, other than that i get up and do something productive, like the pub,, raaa


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