Sunday, March 14, 2010

Please Help.. URGENT!?

OK. I have to go up to pick up dog food today. * Canidae All Life Stages * and I was going to bring one of the dogs with me.. I am not sure which to bring along for the ride.. My older girl who LOVES the car, and gets to go most often.. Or my puppy.

Older dog is 8.5 Years, Puppy is 7.5 weeks

Oh Also I don't know if I should wear my hiking boots, or my running shoes. Please No mean answers.. You will be reported if you are rude!

Oh they are both black/rust female Dobermans if that matters..


Please Help.. URGENT!?
Wear sandles its a pretty day.
Reply:Take them both? My pup goes with my older, well behaved one and takes her cues from him on how to behave while inside the car.

running shoes:-)
Reply:Take them both, If you leave one and take the other one will get jealous(your older dog). Your little one need the experience. Wear your running shoes.
Reply:Why can't you bring 'em both? They sound beautiful, and the little one could use the fun experiences (as I'm sure you know) as long as she's up on her shots.

Doberman puppies are SO cute, but there's an elegance about the adult ones, so I can't decide on looks alone.

Hmm... I'd go with the sneakers (running shoes) if I were you, but if you're already in the boots, keep 'em on.

Hooray for good dog food and beautiful dogs! I saw a Doberman in the park (the first one I've seen running around in person) and I thought "so this is why all those people on Yahoo! Answers love them" - they're amazing dogs. Good luck with your girls - they sound awesome.


Best bring your hiking boots so you can kick them off the evil pit bulls while you're at it. Dobermans should always be chained. Or something. Yes. Carry them if you can. Dobies in purses are soooooooooooo cute.


ETA again: Believer, your answer wins. All hail the high priestess of hoo-hoo!
Reply:take the older one. she is old and needs more attention right now. and go with your running shoes...Perfect
Reply:I to would leave the puppy at home or you will have to carry him around the whole time. Puppy's should not be taken to places that other dogs have been until 1 week after their last set of shots has been give at about 12 to 14 weeks. This is for the puppies own safety, Hope this helps!!

And what ever shoes you like the best
Reply:I think you can take them at the same time. You shouldn't have any problems as long as they match. *Don't* risk a black and a red, it's too colorful. You'll burn your eyes out, kid. Oh, and running shoes should be fine. Lol.
Reply:decisions, decisions. hmm.

well, take the pup because she'll need to start getting used to cars. Be sure to wear your running shoes so when she spews, you can get out of the line of fire quickly.
Reply:Well... I'd take them both. But the puppy's feet would NEVER touch the ground (frankly, if it was a short trip and the weather wasn't an issue I would leave the pup in a crate in the vehicle). If its too warm I would leave them both home... cooked dogs are not fun... and neither are heat-brain-damaged ones.

I travel with my pups all the time. But only leave them alone in vehicles for very short (less than 10 min) periods of time and only when the weather is cooperative. New experiences for pups are great.

Hiking boots.. I think they are more comfie... they are what I wear when I'm seriously training.

I don't think their color really matters... but I bet that puppy is CUTE (I've never seen that young a Dobe). I always thought Sam pups were the cutest (white polarbear fuzzballs) until I saw Bernese pups which come with colors (!) and racing stripes (!)....
Reply:Leave your dogs at home while you go purchase their dog food. This weather is too hot for them to be in a vehicle.It does not matter what you wear for shoes or clothes as long as you are able to drive comfortably. Just don't forget your wallet or your trip may be wasted.

Have fun shopping.
Reply:I would say go with both, or if its a nessesity for 1, then I would say the big girl..

1-every one will gasp on this beautiful breed of dog and you can really tell in the adults, esp the girls.

2-She will have a day someday, where you wish you took her when the baby has more time to ride in cars.

3-She will protect you when you get out of the car with those sexy running shoes that I reccomend.

4-She will protect your beautifulness, and will let no man interfear.

5-Did I metioned shes beautiful, and you can show her off to the whole world!!??
Reply:The first problem I see in your question is your choice of food. I can not believe everyone missed that!!! I want you to know that that is a horrible choice and you should not believe all the propaganda about dog foods. Just get some Iams or Science Diet because that is what all good vets recommend.

I think you get should get a nice big purse and take the puppy because everyone knows that puppies need to meet and greet everyone, including other dogs so that they will become socialized. Plus, it is the latest style to tote the dog around as a fashion accessory. You do not want to be thought of as old fashioned, do you? 1 shot should be enough for protection.

You have a new puppy isn't it about time to get rid of the old ones? That is what most people do when they get a new puppy, out with the old, in with the new. You must keep up with the times, we are in the new millennium, keep that in mind when you have to make decisions.

Why didn't you get a white or blue Doberman? They are sooooo cute!!!

You will definitely need to wear running shoes to keep up with the puppy and I like the colors of your clothes but I think you should pick something that will match your puppy better, it is the newest fashion statement.

Do you have any more puppies because I really want a Doberman to breed with my Shepherd. I have already choose a name, Dobeherd. What do you think?
Reply:first of all dp and sheperdgirl (sry if name spelled wrong?)


and you put their great dane in your purse and attempt to pull it around

wear a gimpy little skirt and a bakini under it.

get a fohawk, wear 6 inch heels, or 10 cm if you arent in the us....

go find michael vick, kick him in the @** for me

cuz that is the knew in*

*gender note*

any males you bring along have to grow their hair to be 6in long, wear the same alfit w/o the bakini and with boxers on*

**and why not feed your dog some crappy filler food?

you can get it for the same price as the stuff your getting?!?!**

***and you have rotties not dobies!***

****crud i forget what else****

*****oh well*****

******oh yeah jenifer! rub youself with garlic paste and let the dog drive:D******

*******ok enugh with the stars*******
Reply:Well, DP, this is a hard one because which ever dog you don't pick will likely attack you in your sleep, I mean, they ARE Dobermans and their brains swell and make them go crazy.

Anyway, I would pick the older dog because if you make the puppy mad, it can not do as much damage.

I would wear the running shoes, cause it's summer still. In two weeks it will be fall and time for the hiking boots.

I hope that helps.

Please email me if you have any other questions. I am a vet and can help you a lot.


DP - Don't EVER braid your hair when shopping for dog food. The braid pulls too tight on your head and you can't think straight and end up paying too much for food, when Ol' Roy will do the job just fine.

I am a vet, and I ALWAYS suggest Science Diet food. It is packed with healthy stuff like corn, wheat, soy and by-products - all stuff that is good for dogs.

Remember, No braid, and Science Diet!!

I am a vet extraordinaire and I know what I am doing!!
Reply:i think you should take the older one the puppy has many years to go. show her you stil love her and your not replaceing her with a smaller dog. oh and just wear your running shoes. why get your feet tired with boots if your only going to buy food.
Reply:bring ur puppy so he doesn't miss and hes really cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:If your puppy has had all its shots than I would bring her. You'll want to get her use to riding in cars so trips won't be hard for both of you later on. The earlier you start the better and it's also important to socialize her at the young age too. Pet friendly places like some parks and pet stores are perfect.

As for the footwear, I'd go for the running shoes myself. Good luck with your new puppy!
Reply:LOL.. HI DP. LOVE YOUR QUESTION!! Had a good chuckle..
Reply:Hmmm...difficult one. I guess by now you've probably chosen which dog to take, if any and been and got the food. Having said that, with all those dogs you will probably need some more food soon so...

Draw straws...yes, that's it! Get the dogs to choose a straw each from a selection handed to them. Whichever gets the short straw gets to go...or stay...the choice is yours.

I am slightly perplexed though, how can you have two males and one female in season?? I thought males didn't come into season?? ;-)
Reply:Personally I'd braid my hair in pig tails. Wear the blue pants and then just throw on a t-shirt! It's going to get dirty anyway flinging in the bags of food in the back of the pick up!.

Have the dogs play rock, paper scissors to see which one will go! They know how to do that! Dobies are very smart dogs! :)

I'd wear my L.L Bean yellow rubber boots the one's with the pull up handles on the side, to round out the look your going for!

Ya that's a good choice I think to make the best fashion statment!
Reply:You only have two dogs? That surprises me.

I love the "resource line" you have started putting down

Not a vet

Dog food adviser and purchaser

leader of the pack


I can't remember the rest. It's adorable.

and as far as your question--

OMG! Take them to the vet QUICK!!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? They will die if you don't get treatment for this indecision! QUICK! CALL NOW!
Reply:Presuming the pup has her first shots, I would take her, holding her and letting her take in the sights, wouldn't allow people to pet her, I would not take both as my brain doesn't do two dogs going different directions, one baby, one adult trying to huck some dog food into my cart...LOL

I take my pups out of the house all the time, starting about 5 weeks in the car to drop kids at school, then as they get a little older to other "dog safe" places where they aren't getting germs (no parks, beaches) until they get the second round of shots at least... have a 7 1/2 and 8 1/2 week set of pups right now, and they take turns going places. The big ones aren't left behind, they go out at night to get a movie at blockbuster...sometimes, a pup will go along, but the big one then has to wait in the car. Also, have at least two of my kids tagging along with me and a geezer (father in law) 99% of the time....
Reply:make sure you pronounce that correctly when you get there- you can check the consensus in an earlier thread.

Could you bring my dog along instead?

As for footwear- I think I would need to see pictures of your outfit but I usually recommend a pair of pointy-toes stilettos- just ask Stacy and Clinton.

I can recommend a great clothing website for your girls where they have clothes for big dogs- you can get them each ballgowns to wear to accompany you. Make sure all three of you have matching shoes.

Hope I answered quickly enough- I knew how important this was.
Reply:Take the one who won't puke on your lap, or steal your cheesburger when done with their own. (Isn't it some kind of law that you gotta go through the drive thru and get a cheesburger when you go for dog food?) And slather yourself in garlic paste. You won't need clothes, and no one will get close enough to notice.
Reply:Since you cannot take both, I'd take the older one. The puppy probably gets a lot of attn. right now since it's a baby. Give the older dog a treat by letting her with.
Reply:bring them both this way on-one left out .

ill just leave the boot /shoe thing up to you
Reply:I would take both dogs for the drive there beautiful, anyway if youtake both dogs that way the younger one can learn from the older one how to behave in the car, id wear runners there more comfortable...%26amp; id never be rude.. have fun
Reply:Your puppy presumably hasn't had all its shots yet, so I would take the older dog. Pet store = other dogs and their owners, and you can't trust that everyone is responsible enough to keep their dogs immunized.
Reply:OMG, this is definately a dilemna.

I say bring em both, but make sure to carry your puppy in one of those purses for dogs. You know that dogs under 40lbs shouldn't be allowed to walk EVER. So until your puppy hits 40lbs his feet must never touch the nasty ground, he could get rabies or something if they do.

For footwear I'd go with one hiking boot and one running shoe.
Reply:Take the older dog, wait on the pup until it is older and fully vaccinated, just to be safe.

Wear the shoes that are most comfy!

Well, actually you have done it all wrong. WHEN you go buy dog food, you are supposed to wear stipper heels. They must be at LEAST 4 inches high, and perferably alos have a platform heel. This gives you the most stability and can serve as a correction tool should the dog that you bring get out of line. A good smack with the stiletto will set any dog straight. If you need to know exactly how much of a "kick" to give them, email me, I would be happy to share.

Now, as for the dogs. We can fix that problem very easily. See, you go get one of those baby sleep sacks, they are cloth and they loop around your body. But since you have to carry the food, what you do is put it on the older dogs body, hanging real low like a giant beer belly and you put the dog in there. That way, the older dog actually carries the younger dog for you. Now, younger dogs tend to jump out, so you gotta make sure you tie em in there real good. And the older dog may walk like it has a stick up its rump but it's all good, unless the older dog decides to take a pee - then you've got a problem. It's okay if the baby sack and the puppy drag along the ground because, well you are only going for food so he/she wont' be dragged for too long.

By the way, I think you are lying to us - I looked at those photos and let's call a spade a spade shall we - those or Rottweiler's. How can you NOT even know what kind of dog you own??!!

And blue pants with a grey shirt? What in the he11 are you thinking. Anyone who knows rottweilers know that they are bred to attack people wearing blue and grey - are you asking to be bitten by your own dogs??!! Sheesh.

Since so many people are concerned about you bringing ALL the dogs, why don't you simply leash them to your bumper, put on your hazard lights and drive real slow like to the vets. That actually kills two birds with one stone because now you don't have to walk em when you get home. Careful on the turns though, unless you have trained them to understand turn signals . . .

And YES you can tooo breed two females together. God how dumb are you? Didn't you know that both dobies and rotties (because I think your dog is a ROTTWEILER) have the ability to change sex - just like frogs! if you have two females, the alpha will actually change into a male and then impregnate your other beta female and then switch back and then your little ***** will be pregnant and you will be on here asking us for help - again!!

Final thought: since you have sooooo many dogs, why don't you save yourself some money and just buy Ol'Roy. I mean, it's just as good as that crap canidae that you are feeding and you can get soooo much more food for the same amount of money.

Well, I think we cleared everything up: pick a new outfit (that isn't blue and grey!, put the right shoes on (stripper heels), chain the dogs to the car (careful with the turn signals), drive to the grocery store (keep your females separated lest one change into a male) and get some ol roy.


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