Friday, March 12, 2010

Is this a good wrestling character? i wanna be a wrestler and took alot of time on this...?

Name: Jonathan Hebert (Hebert pronounced "Abear")

Nick Name(s):


The Boom

The Bayou Beast

The Louisana Dream

King of Nova Scotia

The Scret from the Swamp

The Classical Cajun


"And you could take it to the bank!"

"...'Cause I'm Straight from the Swamp"

"You/Y'all Don't Really Want It, Now"

"'Cause I am: The Boom, The Bayou Beast, The Louisiana Dream, The King of Nova Scotia, The Secret from the Swamp, The Classical Cajun, you know you wanna be me, boom!"


" Superstar " or Rollin' (Louisiation-X) "


Suck It

"The Arms"

Jeff Hardy fingers


Louisiation X (LX)

Stable Moves:

Snap Shot

Cajundome Special (chop block / spear combo)

Immoveable Object (Superkick / Belly Pierce Combo)

Match Specialties:

Ladder / TLC Match

Elimination of Hell (3 Stages of Hell 4-Way Elimination Style)

Louisiana Swamp Match (The ring is surounded with water with mud in it and has weapons floating including: fishing pools, drum sticks, floaty, fishing bucket, white perch LIVE fish(es), worms, and beer bottles. In this match the ring will have all ropes, but they will be covered in wet, slippery algae.)

Signature Weapons:

Signapore Cane

Mardi Gras Beeds

Golf Club



Sun Glasses (during entrance)

Black Leather Motorcycle Jacket

Black Pants w/ Blue Louisiana on back and Blue Alligator on side

Black Belt

Blue Shirt (sometimes no shirt)

Knee %26amp; Elbow Pads

Wrist Tape

Undertaker-type Gloves

Starbury Shoes or Harley-Davidson Boots


"LA" Chain

JHS School Ring

LSU School Ring

Basic Character

Heel: Comic/Delinquent/Egolistical Heel

Face: Showman/Hardcoe/Comic



Lights Out (Superkick)

Cradle of Louisiana Oil / Oil Drill (pedigree or turnbuckle set-up / dominator / pedigree combo)

4 Quarters - combo of: Frog Splash / Eye of Katrina (Swanton Bomb) / Elbow Drop (HBK version) / Moonsault

Danger Mode Moves

The Boom (RKO)

Cajundome (Reverse F5 into a "straight" codebreaker)

Pre-Finish Moves:

Bayou Death Lock (Triangle Choke with Arm Bent Backwards)

Secret of the Swamp / SOTS (Face-Buster GTS / Neck Breaker Combo)

Katrina's Devestation (One-Man Poetry In Motion off the top rope)

Who Dat? Spinebuster (My Spinebuster)

Normal Moves:

Swamp Shooter (Elevated Sharpshooter)

(Runnings or Whip Into) High Knee

Louisiana Shocker (Stone Cold Stunner)

Cypress Knee (Spinning Fireman's Carry into STO with Leg Sweep or FU to Knee usually followed by a Dragon Sleeper)

Knee-to-Face Face Buster

Diving Closeline


Cajun Call (Spinning Side Slam)

Arm-Wrench Hook Kick

Back Body Drop

Samoan Drop into Spinning Neck Breaker

Deadman's Soul Seaker / Triple T [TTT] (Dragon Sleeper; Tribute to 'Taker)

J-Town Bulldog (Whip to Turnbuckle / One-Hand Bulldog combo)

Knee Drop

Flying Closeline

Lariot Closeline



Jumping Elbow Drop

Snap Suplex

Released German Suplex

Lafayette-Jennings Crab


Half Nelson Face Buster

(Turnbuckle) Saints Drive (Run Up Knee Lift into One-Hand Bulldog)

T-Boy (T-Bone or Xploder Suplex into a cross over DDT)

Upper Cut ( Kane)

Crack 'Em In the Mouth

Side Effect

Knife Edge Chop(s)

Flap Jack

Back Body Drop

Reverse/Inteverted Suplex

Elbow Drop

Neck Breaker

Creole Strikes (3 Right Hand Snap Jabs, Knee Attack, Uppercut, Blow To Gut, European Upper Cut, "Sucka" Taunt with Big Jab)

Twisting Moonsault

Shoulder Block (Cena Shoulder Block)

Running Elbow Smash (Opponent in Corner)

7-O-546 (Handstand on Turnbuckle into elbow drop on lying opponent)

Asia Moonsault

Parish Divider (Masterlock into a Swinging Side Slam)

Dive Over The Top-Rope

Springboard Dropkick

Springboard Diving Closeline

Frogsplash Crossbody

Sportsmans Paradise (Ankle Lock)

Rice Plant (Opponent bent over forward on side than twist into a 180 degree angle into a face buster)

Last Ride (...Counter to strikes on turnbuckle)

One-Hand Bulldog

Baptist [Celtic] Cross

Cotton Mouth [Anaconda] Vise Grip

Is this a good wrestling character? i wanna be a wrestler and took alot of time on this...?
this is a pretty good character. it would be good for wwe. the only thing is you have to make your own moves. all your finishing moves are copys of superstars. like superkick and swantan bomb. make up your own moves and that would be a really good character.
Reply:WOW! if you really serious about being a wrestler, i wish you the best and hope 2 see you in WWE Someday. =], im serious, everything you got is good. Id watch you!
Reply:That's a very long list

Ultimate tourny here
Reply:no and you cannot be a wrestler okay buddhy boyyy
Reply:wow, i can see you put a lot of time into this and i give you credit for that, and i do enjoy the character. Id watch you!
Reply:That is nice i like it and u put alot of thought i myself am in a backyard wrestling league and i think i will do one of these myself great job though
Reply:I love it .. its very well thought out .. and for your nickname .. due to everything i just read i think your main one should be .. The Louisana Dream
Reply:You sure did put a lot of time and effort into it.

Only one thing King of Nova Scotia?

Not unless you're from Cape Breton.

No swamps in nova scotia the size of the bayou.
Reply:thats pretty cool

microsoft excel

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