Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why do American woman dress their children so strangely?

I know this American woman, and she has university education, and she showed me her girl, 7 years old daughter, dressed for Halloween, and then she showed me the photos... I have never seen anything so awful in my life. She put her into a very short checkered skirt, with her underwear visible, very high, tights high brown boots on heels, a blonde wig, and put a lot of make up: mascara, bright red blush, foundation and lipstick... The effect was appalling. Shouldn't the girl of her age be a Little Red Riding Hood, or a snowflake (as I was many a time, with the frilled lacy tutu), or something... childish. I remember my parents dressed me once as a Queen of chess, in a long checkered skirt with a real crown they made from wire and glass, and it glistened so, and I was the happiest girl in the room. But to dress your little girl like some escort? And how did teachers in her school swallowed it?

Why do American woman dress their children so strangely?
times have changed, nobody wants to be the coolest costume anymore or homemade ones all too much.

come join us in the 21st century
Reply:oh, dude. you think american women can't dress their children?

i have an entire family photo album of poorly my mom dressed my sister and i as kids. we wore nothing but dayglo nylon items and polka dots. -shudder-

and that WASN'T for halloween.

i've asked friends for their family pictures- apparently, most asian women can't dress their kids.

looking like a vvhore for one night of the year? nothing, compared to starting your first WEEK of kindergarten in a neon yellow sweatsuit.
Reply:K...SOME American women may dress their children like that...but you would never catch my daughter dressed like that. Even for Halloween....give me a break.

I think the whole Brittany Spears and other assorted "pop" stars have made the "sleeze" look popular. Some people dont understand the pressure that puts on a child who doesnt understand the ramifications of being a tramp in tramp clothes.

I think its dispicable and disgusting.
Reply:I am appalled as well. Please don't think that all Americans find a costume like that appropriate!!! I am an American and my whole family are Americans and none of us would ever dress a seven year old like that, maybe a grown women might do it for laughs, or even a guy to be funny.....but no child should be dressed so provocatively!!! And after all the talks on American news around Halloween about the dangers of pedophiles being out and etc. I can't imagine someone would do that.

Again, not all Americans find that appropriate.
Reply:I agree with you completely. It was bad enough when adult women chose to use Halloween as an excuse to dress like a tramp, but now that it's passed down to young children it's near unacceptable. I saw costumes for young girls at the store that blew my mind. I'm not a parent but I would NOT let my child dress that way, regardless of the holiday or how much they wanted to look like Britney or Paris.
Reply:I will be like the others and say don't stereotype all American women. A few ignorant ones may do this, but I for one would not. My daughter dressed as a bride this year, in a floor length white dress. She was not allowed to wear makeup.

Look at beauty pageants, though. Even after the Jon Benet Ramsey incident, some people continue to put their little girls in these pageants, with a full face of makeup, fake nails, spray tanning, big hair, revealing clothes. I watched a documentary on VH1 and about vomited. The girls had dance routines and even in the way they walked, you could tell that they were trying to be sexy (stripping off their jacket, for example, or doing provocative dance moves) I have NO CLUE why any mother would do this to their daughter. I think it's disgusting, especially with how the world is today.

For those mothers that DO this (again, I am not one of them), they absolutely sicken me.
Reply:I dont think American women dress their children strangely
Reply:We've had news headlines over here (in North America, I'm Canadian, but we get all of the American news too) about how 'sexy' is the new 'scary'.

NOT ALL North American parents would ever dress their children in such hideously age inappropriate clothing. I'm sure there are some Brits who do similar silly things also...careful not to paint an entire group of parents with one wide brush.
Reply:who says it is just americans dressing their child that way? I seen many british and canadian children dressed like prostitutes at halloween to. It is halloween, maybe the child WANTED to dresss that way. The mom should have toned it down but it is one night of the year and if she isn't dressed like that all the time so be it. Maybe she was pretending to be some popstar or something. I seen lots of Britneys, Avrils, and Lindsays the other night when I was out with my little monkey.
Reply:That is terrible that that woman allowed her child to dress in that way. I don't think it is fair to lump all American woman in with that woman. I would never dress my child in anyway exploitive. My daughter wore a one piece, head to toe, monkey costume. Very cute and age appropriate.
Reply:Don't judge all American women all because of this women's actions.

I'm an American women and agree with you, I would never dress my little girl like that, Halloween or not!
Reply:Because here in America the looking like a $lut thing is becoming popular. I see girls that can be no more than 14 walking down the streets in outfits that would make anyone blush! Its sick but thats the way it is.

People in America are nuts, I think I'm going to home school all my kids... put them into programs to be with other kids, like music lessons, and swimming lessons...
Reply:cos americans are just plain weird!
Reply:Wait that is one woman and one child. How can you put all American women in this question? Do you know each and everyone of us?

I would never dress my 7yrld like that ever.

It is very ignorant to put down a whole group for the actions of a few and I for one am insulted.
Reply:The image that I am getting from your description is one similar to that of the costumes worn by American pageant children. I can assure you that this is a class issue. There are many Americans that are horrified by this type of behavior as well. I can also assure you that most children are in age appropriate costumes. There has however been a recent trend toward more fetishist costumes for women and perhaps it is tragically sliding down the age scale. The obscession with external beauty and a preference for the often surreal look of Hollywood women is not a problem of only American women. Argentina has , I believe, the greatest number of cosmetic procedures per capita. Even the Brits have Mrs. Beckham Spice. My daughter has dressed as a witch, Medusa, autumn, a mermaid, Madeline, etc. It is a class issue. The solution: well, that is another question. The answer is always education, no?
Reply:You're right in that some parents do choose very innappropriate costumes for their children, and the one you are speaking of is definitely something that I would never allow my daughter to wear.

However, you should really not generalize like that. Why point out that AMERICAN women do that, and why assume that ALL American women dress their children so strangely? That's quite judgemental of you.

My daughter was dressed as Cinderella, and my son was Capt. Jack Sparrow.

Please refrain from generalizing, that's really shallow.
Reply:I agree with you but what you may not have noticed is that many children (I can not stress that word enough) are allowed to dress like hookers daily not just on halloween! I think it is disgusting, the parents might as well buy their daughter a shirt that says sperm dumpster and matching pants that say stick it in here across her ***! IN GLITTER! So I am with you!
Reply:Not all of us dress or allow our children to dress this way. My daughter has had a childhood. Limit media, impose your will as a parent and help steer them into the right peer groups, not the fast troublemakers.

dog skin problem

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