Saturday, October 24, 2009

Is there something legally i can say to my boss about my motorcycle gear?

my boss is very nitpicky about certain things in his words, as soon as yo walk into the door you need to be dressed to go. shirt tucked in and etc. well when i ride, i wear all the gear: pant, jacket , helmet, boots..i know i can remove the helmet and possibly the jacket before i walk in the door, but we dont have a back door so i have to walk in with my boot and pants on through the front. and i know he's going to b***h about it. My plan is to walk in and change in our bathroom. i will not compromise my safety for him. what can i say to HIS boss..(possibly with something legally backing me) to allow me to not have to wear dress pants on my bike to work, and provide a defense so i can change first..something that wont make them say "well dont ride your motorcycle to work"

Is there something legally i can say to my boss about my motorcycle gear?
tell him to shut his mouth.
Reply:If you are walking in front of customers and he thinks that is bad, then he has every right to tell you not to do it. You have a right to ride to work, but he has a right to enforce good customer matter how stupid the rules are. It isn't his problem that you want to wear all that gear when you ride.

Also, don't go to his boss. That is such a jackass thing to do. Instead, talk to him about it if he brings it up. Don't be an ***. Just drive your car to work. You don't sound very professional.
Reply:Well I had the same situation and here is what I did.

First I got a motorcycle jacket.

Second I got motorcycle pants with ce armor just like my jacket.

I wear dress pants under my motorcycle pants

I wear a shirt and tie under my motorcycle jacket.

My shoes remain the same they are black shoes but high tops but you can't tell their high tops as they go up inside my dress pants.

So before I walk into work I take off my jacket and the motorcycle pants and I am already dressed underneath. I see no problem with that? Easy as pie.

Make sure your motorcycle pants are 1 size too large and your motorcycle jacket is regular sized to fit you.

I ride a Kawasaki zx10 so I need protection but at the same time I have to have a job so by doing this I have found a way to have my cake and eat it too....or look stylish by not risking my life.

My problem is not so much my clothes but my helmet hair lol.

I carry some brylcream which is awesome..a little dab will do ya.

Be safe my brother
Reply:Ask weather he would rather you wear leather for the first 5 mins of the day or spend 6 weeks in hospital getting skin graphs.
Reply:You need to find a new job or tell your Boss that you are going to use his butt for a place to park your front tire.

Cowboy up.
Reply:I don't think there is anything on the books as far as mandatory clothes for riding a bike. However, in your state, there might be a labor law stating that as long as you are there and ready for work by your assigned starting time, that you are within your legal realm. You would really have to check with your local laws though. If there is nothin in writing from the company sawing that you have to be in uniform when you walk through the door, then I don't see where they have any room for complaint.
Reply:You might look like an idiot if you ride anything other than a Harley, but consider wearing "chaps" over your dress pants.

Carry your dress shoes in a backpack.

Do a quick change in the parking lot.
Reply:You don't have a back door??? I don't know where you're at, but in the US it's nearly always mandatory that a business (and house in zoned areas) have two entrances and exits. Sound stupid? In your case, what if a fire starts at the front door and you're unable to get through the fire to the outside? Without a back door to escape through, you burn up! As Mr. Rogers would say, "Can you spell code violation?"

A businessman certainly wants the employees looking presentable and appropriate, but as long as you're not walking in wearing your tinted full face helmet and looking like a Power Ranger ready to rob, rape and pillage every old lady there, he probably needs to back off a bit. You may consider wearing leather chaps over your going work slacks and by all means, remove your helmet!
Reply:Show up for work a half hour before Starting time and change into your work clothes ,
Reply:ha ha ha ha!! This is the best story i've read so far!

Your boss can't do sh!t... i don't even know why you are worried about what he is saying, its not like you are wearing a thonge or a singlet walking into work?!?

If you're that bothered, get to work before he does?!

Thats harassment!! I believe that under any federal anti-discrimination law; your boss, regardless of who he is, may be legally responsible for discrimination and harassment which occurs in the workplace. He is basically bullying you on what you are wearing going to work and you are a victim of this act.

You can take it further if you wish.....
Reply:Not knowing what sort of job you do, it's a little hard to comment. But, you're doing the right thing, don't compromise your safety for anyone. If you turn up for work and have changed your clothes before the required start time, then I'd imagine you have little to worry about....

Just ignore the "tools" that tell you to ride in your normal work gear.
Reply:I love bikes, but, don't let your boss make an issue of it. Be polite and start looking for a new boss.
Reply:Give me a break. Guys have ridden bikes billions of miles before some dork thought up special riding pants. I'm sure I have ridden road bikes over 20,000 miles in shorts and 100,000 in tennis shoes. Get over yourself and ride to work in your work clothes. If someone broadsides you, you will be just as dead. If you think your riding gear is armor agianst 2,000lbs of steel or a concrete wall you are sadly mistaken.
Reply:Sounds like:

1. Your boss is a control freak and a d*ck.

2. He has no idea how much trouble he can get himself into.

3. He's about to create a hostile work environment, which is not only in violation of federal guidelines, but a pretty good way to get sued...

At my workplace, I arrive plenty early and change in the restroom and nobody says anything, except, "Damn, don't you know it's January?"

Usually, during the winter, I'm the only rider on his bike, the rest all puss out. K ;o)
Reply:well i dont have any legal advice but as long as you are dressed on time then i dont think there is really anything he can do besides complain
Reply:are you that stupid your boss can't tell you jack s.h.i.t. when you get to work you go to the bathroom and change thats it.

office chair

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