Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brand new Horse!!!!?

I am going to be getting one of my family members horses next year and am kinda nervous. I have been riding for 5 years now, and am very good. I do not own horses, a friend across the road does.We own a cow, and I wsa wandering, if the cow is not aggressive, can the cow and horse live together? If I remember right, the horse is a quarter horse, and has been used as a barrel racing horse for the past 8 years. I have a list of supply's I beleive I will need(Listed below) and I was wandering if u could please reccommend a bit for the horse. I will ride him western( he is a gelding) so I do beleive I will need a curb bit. Also, do u think this is a good list of items for me to purchase:

Grooming kit:

Stiff bristle brush

Soft bristle brush

Mane pulling comb

Curry comb: rubber for cleaning muddy coats

Curry comb: metal for cleaning brushes

Hoof pick

Sponges: One for eyes, one for dock area.

Container to Hold Supplies


Lead rope


Two Saddle pad


Bridle %26amp; bit

Turnout %26amp; stable blankets

Tack cleaning stuff: Saddle soap, leather conditioner, a sponge and a small bucket

Three Buckets

Mucking out gear: a muck bucket or wheelbarrow, a pitchfork and a broom.

Shipping boots

Brand new Horse!!!!?
all of my horses live with atleast 2-3 cattle on the pasture and in the feed lot. If your going to do any cutting its the best way to desensatize your horses to cattle.

Perfectly safe to have them together.

No you dont have to have more than one horse on a property as long as you spend a decent amount of time with it each day. If you toss it out on the pasture and pet it once a week yeah its needs a companion horse or your horse will get cranky and depressed , they do have to have socialization and you can be its herd or another horse can, cattle usually arent accepted as herd but cows only exist for milk, steak and leather to make saddles.
Reply:Your list looks like it covers the basics, but you'll need a first aid kit too and I'm sure over time you'll add more things to your collection of supplies. Turning out with your cow should be fine, I've seen many horses that live with cows. If he can't have another horse around a cow is certainly better than nothing.
Reply:yes, horses can make friends with just about any other animal!
Reply:you would need a first aid kit. horses and cows can live together. but horses perfer horses not cows, because they are heard animals.
Reply:You should find out what your new horse is used to eating and get the same brand of feed. If you're not going to continue the same brand/ type then you can slowly wean him to whatever you are going to feed. You should also have some first aid supplies on hand such as wound/ cut ointment, cotton and bandages (or at least a roll of vet wrap), thermometer, and of course have your local vet's ph # written down in a handy place. At least have a few things, they will eventually accumulate over time. You should also make sure you find out your horses' vaccination history and when he will be due as well as his worming history %26amp; what rotation he's been on.

As far as living with your cow it may work out well. Alot of horses do well living with another animal such as goats or sheep. Just keep an eye on them. I had a QH gelding that couldn't be turned out with the steers, he would pester, push %26amp; herd them for fun.

You seem well prepared, good luck!
Reply:Yes the horse and cow can live fine. The cow won't do anything to the horse, but you need to watch the horse that it doesn't do something to the cow.


Your list sounds fine, you will always find you need extras after you get your horse!
Reply:I use a plastic curry comb for really muddy coats. I've never personally used a turnout or stable blanket. Shipping boots of you plan on doing a LOT of trailering.

You forgot any first aid ointments and wraps and such. Horses get hurt sometimes, you need to have stuff ready!
Reply:cows and horses get along perfectly. they're both livestock animals. my great grandma had cows and horses together 24/7 and they were fine. ok, for your list of supplies... you don't NEED a metal curry comb. a sponge for the dock area... i don't use one on my TB gelding but he's outside almost 24/7 and i don't know if you're horse will be inside or outside (i'm assuming outside though). it's recommended for horses in the stables but i just use the hose when i give my horse a bath/shower. a container to hold supplies... i just use an old metal coffee can that my mom punched holes in and we put a rope through them so that we can hang it up. a sponge for eyes... we just use our sleeves but my horse is kinda weird about things on his face sometimes so yeah... but it's cheaper to just use an old rag, make sure it's clean though. see if you can get the halter and lead rope that the current owner is using, i did that. turnout and stable blankets... you can save some money by just buying one that is rain resistant and warm/comfortable. i'm not sure about the small bucket for cleaning tack... i don't know how you'd use one to just clean tack... you don't NEED shipping boots unless the horse is being shipped a long ways and/or on an airplane. you don't need a curb bit for western. i ride my horse western and i use a D ring copper roller snaffle bit. the copper rollers are for entertainment as well as taste. copper tastes better than other metals so it is more favorable for bits. curb bits are used more commonly for training uses to teach the horse(s) to keep the bit on top of their tongue. here's a page about bits and their uses:

hope this helps! :)
Reply:You also need first aid kit.

I would say Yes. But you cant have the horse on a property without another horse. Yes it would have the cow but the horses most prized possesion is its herd and horse company. You may want to get another horse before this one.
Reply:The horse and cow can live together but probably won't become the best of friends. Your horse might still want the company of other horses. Will he/she be able to at least see the horses across the street?

Your list looks pretty complete. You'll probably be adding to it down the road, but I think you've got the basics covered. Depending on your weather and if you'll be clipping in the winter, you might not need the blankets.

For the bit, I'd start out with whatever the horse is already used to.

Good luck, seems like you've thought it out very well.
Reply:You can, my grandma has her cows, even untamed bulls, in with her horse, Ary.
Reply:Yes they can live together I have had my horses with a whole herd of cows they done mind at all. Just watch out though because some horses can what they call cowey and attack the cows.
Reply:It looks like you have put a lot of thought into it, and have all the stuff you will need except first aid supplies and maybe fly spray.

The horse will likely get along fine with the cow, especially if he has ever run with cattle before. If they are the only ones in the field, they will probably buddy up since both are herd animals with no herd. Just make sure if you feed them grain that they are separated, as the horse will probably run the cow out of the feed, but other than that you will just introduce them to each other as you would two horses. If there is a problem you will probably know right away, but keep an eye on them for a few days. It will most likely be the horse that is most aggresive, but you may be fine.
Reply:The list looks almost complete; make sure you have a bucket to feed him in and buckets to water him in. Just because he is a gelding does not mean he has to be ridden in a curb. I have ridden geldings in snaffles and done everything from english pleasure to eventing with the horse. I would try him in diffrent bits and see what he goes best in. As for living with a cow; as long as you get them used to each other you should have no problems, ours horses lived near cows and with a cow. Good Luck!!!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Wonderful article on riding boots
    I did come across a website It’s has all information on first aid emergencies. It has information on Human emergencies and even for pets like cat or dog. Hope it help you guys too.

    Signature: Online First Aid Kit
