Friday, November 6, 2009

My Manifesto..... I need your votes ... ...?

1) School will be Compulsory till the age of 18

2)TV licence will be abolished

3)Duty on fuel will be cut

4)Council Tax will only be used for essential services

5)Bin collections will go back to weekly

6)You will be paid cash for recycling domestic waste

7)Yob culture will be met with the reintroduction of the birch (from the first offence)

8)Income Tax will be replaced with a Tax as you spend system

9)Drinking age will be raised to 21

10Car Driving licence age will go upto 21 ,where you will have to do a minimum of 50 hours driving with an instructor before you can take a test

11)16 to 19 year olds can ride a moped. 20 to 21 can ride a motor bike upto 125cc . And over 22s can Ride what ever they like as long as they have been riding a 125cc for at least one year

12)Buses will be free of charge untill you are 18 and for the over 60s

13)Thieves / muggers / burglar's / robbers / joy riders / door step con artists.. Will will receive tough prison sentances in boot camp prisons

My Manifesto..... I need your votes ... ...?
Go on then I will give you my vote for the trial period of once!

Some of the above would have my backing (especially on youth eg schooling and yob culture- however I am more for National Service to instill discipline and give a sense of pride)

However you don't seem to have plans for our NHS, or Police (eg recruitment and ability to pay for extra) or Immigration or building programme for housing and prisons! Having said all this let me say your manifesto is no worse than others I have read who actually lie through their teeth to get into office! BTW what is your party called? x
Reply:nice thoughts, to many if, ands, or buts for this to be a reality
Reply:Brilliant I love what you said there.

Especially about the tougher prison sentences and the income tax.

Also buses should be free, well done you got that right.

Martin G for Prime Minister
Reply:I'm beginning to like this guy, the ideas are a bit far out but I think that he should be given a chance.

If you think about it who actuallu gets into HIGH UP there politics ?????

All the non down to earth people who go to goofy schools, and they are all cut from the same cloth........ Lets have a new bread of MP someone from a council estate,,,, I mean they cant be that bad the bunch of tossers that are in power gave us the council estate in the first place!!!!!

Martin for Prime Minister any day
Reply:I will vote for you Martin G, can I be your Home Secretary, only trouble is, where do we build our bunker as we will need one
Reply:Martin G for Prime Minister, you get my vote.Can I be your Home Secretary?
Reply:that's not a manifesto it s a mere list int he worst traditions as of populist politics - 5 out of 13 of your goals impose conditions on those too young to vote. How convenient and how punitive! But eventually those folks DO get old enough to vote, and they have representatives with whom the PM must work to get things done.

If you want to aspire to an office as important as PM, that is fine, but you will need to show that you have put some rational thought into your ideas and have a persuasive plan to achieve goals that others will share with you.
Reply:So you're going to reduce taxes while improving services?

This is a lovely idea, but like most people's political opinions, would only work in a fictional land where the government has magical powers to give you something for nothing.

) School will be Compulsory till the age of 18

Who will pay for this?

2)TV licence will be abolished

Who will pay for the BBC?

4)Council Tax will only be used for essential services

Define "essential" services.

5)Bin collections will go back to weekly

Who will pay?

6)You will be paid cash for recycling domestic waste

Paid by whom? With what money?

8)Income Tax will be replaced with a Tax as you spend system

So much for people on the breadline. Their tax bill will increase since they spend most of their income on essentials.

9)Drinking age will be raised to 21


12)Buses will be free of charge untill you are 18 and for the over 60s

Who will pay?

13)Thieves / muggers / burglar's / robbers / joy riders / door step con artists.. Will will receive tough prison sentances in boot camp prisons

Who will pay?
Reply:your living in a dream world and as for kids staying in school til 18 i disagree... im 25 and i'd hate my son to be forced to stay at school til he's 18.. damn america taking over again!!! oh and as for the tougher prison sentences ever wondered where you are gonna put all the half wit criminals our prisons are already full!!!!

maintenance repairs

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