Friday, November 6, 2009

How's this for an online ad in searching for a female companion, not for sex, but for someone to hang out with

Looking for a woman with a mt. bike, a short skirt, plaid lingerie, a taste for powdered donuts and/or generic-store brand soft drinks who is into kayaking, combat boots and has a job, in that order of preference. If you're looking for some freak dude who will stick his dick in you 28 seconds after you meet him, move on to the next message. No meth heads or crack addicts, please. Otherwise, smoke it if you grew it.; but I'm in a non-smoking domicile, so if you're only looking for a place to get baked, fried or sauteed, my dwelling is off-limits. Our first meeting, you ride up on your mt bike, and you're wearing your short skirt and combat boots. From this angle, I cannot see if you're wearing the plaid panties, so you make a wide turn on your bike in order to give me a better view of your pleasing plaid panties as you hike your skirt up to your waist to give me a better view. -more-

How's this for an online ad in searching for a female companion, not for sex, but for someone to hang out with
LOL - You should write romance novels.

Plaid panties LOL.


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